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- Past Simple Tense
Слайд 3 Чтобы задать вопрос в прошедшем времени, надо перенести глагол be в прошедшем
Чтобы задать вопрос в прошедшем времени, надо перенести глагол be в прошедшем

времени (was/were) в начало предложения, на первое место. Остальной порядок слов остается прежним.
The film was interesting. - Was the film interesting?
Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t [wosn’t]
They were at home yesterday. - Were they at home yesterday?
Yes, they were/ weren’t [wɜːnt]
The film was interesting. - Was the film interesting?
Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t [wosn’t]
They were at home yesterday. - Were they at home yesterday?
Yes, they were/ weren’t [wɜːnt]