PCR: application in diagnostics

Слайд 2

Components and general mechanism

Target DNA - contains the sequence to be

Components and general mechanism Target DNA - contains the sequence to be
2) Pair of Primers - oligonucleotides that define the sequence to be amplified.
3) dNTPs - deoxynucleotidetriphosphates: DNA building blocks.
4) Thermostable DNA Polymerase - enzyme that catalyzes the reaction
5) Mg2+ ions - cofactor of the enzyme
6) Buffer solution – maintains pH and ionic strength of the reaction solution suitable for the activity of the enzyme

Слайд 3

General mechanism

General mechanism

Слайд 4


Diagnostics - The detection of the presence, or absence, of a pathogen

Application Diagnostics - The detection of the presence, or absence, of a
and its subsequent identification and characterization.

Approach 1-> designs primers that are complementary to a DNA target that is specific for the microbe being assayed. For instance, by selecting unique regions of the Whipple bacillus' 16S rRNA gene, one can create primers that will amplify only the 16S rRNA gene from the Whipple bacillus, Tropheryma whippelii.
Approach 2-> multiplexing, in which multiple specific PCR assays are run simultaneously in the same reaction tube to test for multiple different DNA templates. In multiplex PCR, several sets of primers are added to the reaction in order to generate several different PCR products. For instance, one could have a PCR assay designed to detect bacterial DNA that uses five different specific PCR reactions in one tube, with primer pairs directed toward S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae, Listeria monocytogenes, and the group B Streptococcus.

Слайд 5


Advantages- High sensitivity and specificity (specific primer design), rapid test, ease of

Advantages/disadvantages Advantages- High sensitivity and specificity (specific primer design), rapid test, ease
use, and robustness, capability to detect pathogens which are impossible to cultivate on media.
Disadvantages – Requirement of special conditions, high cost equipment, expensive reagents.

Слайд 6

PCR in diagnostics
Assays are available for a variety of pathogens, including

PCR in diagnostics Assays are available for a variety of pathogens, including
HIV, HSV, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cytomegalo virus, ennterovirus, Chlamydia trachomatis, M. tuberculosis, T. whippelii, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Brucella sp. For the detection of RNA Viruses is applied RT-PCR method (Reverse Transcriptase PCR). Reverse transcriptase is enzyme capable to synthesize DNA strand from RNA template.
Generally the principle of detection is based on the detection of pathogen’s specific DNA/RNA region, amplification of that sequence and analyzing the presence or absence of detection amplicons on electrophoretic agarose gel )

Слайд 7


The detection of Brucella sp. and strains (cause of brucellosis) using

Procedure The detection of Brucella sp. and strains (cause of brucellosis) using
a PCR assay

Isolation of DNA


Gel electrophoresis

Analysis of results

Слайд 8

Isolation of DNA

Isolation of DNA

Слайд 9

Isolation of DNA

Isolation of DNA

Слайд 10

Isolation of DNA

Isolation of DNA

Слайд 11


*Reference Material - positive (DNA of certain strain isolated from pure

PCR *Reference Material - positive (DNA of certain strain isolated from pure
culture) and negative controls (no DNA)

Слайд 12


Composition of PCR Buffer 10x

PCR Composition of PCR Buffer 10x

Слайд 13


Primer sets

PCR Primer sets

Слайд 14


Primer sets sequences

PCR Primer sets sequences

Слайд 15



PCR Regime

Слайд 16

Gel electrophoresis
A 1,5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide is used
10 μl

Gel electrophoresis A 1,5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide is used
of the product is loaded with 2 μl loading buffer
2 μl of a 100 bp DNA molecular weight marker is loaded with 2 μl loading buffer a single outside well
Gel electrophoresis is performed at 100 to 120V for 30 min

*The composition of LOADING buffer was not mentioned in manual, but on practice it is possible to use loaders like bromphenol blue and xylene cyanol, or cresol red.

Слайд 17

Analysis of results


Analysis of results Visually
Имя файла: PCR:-application-in-diagnostics.pptx
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