- 2. Write the plurals.
- 3. First, take your Stationery boxes and glue the cribs! Then, let your teacher sign in your
- 4. Who else was born in September?
- 6. How many animals can you see?
- 7. How many animals can you see?
- 8. How many animals can you see?
- 9. How many animals can you see?
- 10. How many animals can you see?
- 12. g d a c b e I h
- 13. +Natural
- 16. rubber 1.ластик desk 2.парта crayon 3.мелок pencil 4.карандаш ruler 5.линейка bag 6.сумка notebook 7.тетрадь blackboard 8.доска
- 17. You deserve a film! 6-“Jungle Cruise” The teachers will help you understand the story!!!
- 18. Family words
- 23. Grammar competition!!!
- 38. Let’s read
- 39. brick duck block ring strong sing
- 42. Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник/ вторник 27.09.2021/28.09.2021. Сделать на среду/четверг 29.09.2021/30.09.2021. 1. Words –
- 43. School objects – Школьные принадлежности rubber 1.ластик desk 2.парта crayon 3.мелок pencil 4.карандаш ruler 5.линейка bag
- 44. Write the plurals.
- 46. Скачать презентацию