Презентация на тему Present Perfect


Слайд 2


Для описания событий, которые начались в прошлом и завершились к настоящему времени.

Употребляется Для описания событий, которые начались в прошлом и завершились к настоящему
описания событий, которые произошли в прошлом, но их результат важен в настоящем.
Для описания действия, которое началось в прошлом и еще не закончилось.

Слайд 3



Have V3

has V3

Схема I You We They He She It Have V3 has V3

Слайд 4

The boy
is reading
a book.

The boy has read
the book.

The boy is reading a book. The boy has read the book.

Слайд 5



already - уже
just – только что
ever – когда – либо?

Пароли . already - уже just – только что ever – когда
– никогда -
yet – еще нет – (в конце)

Слайд 6

Lisa has just written a letter to her granny.
Lisa hasn’t written a

Lisa has just written a letter to her granny. Lisa hasn’t written
letter to her friend yet.

Слайд 7


We have already had dinner.
Have we already had dinner?
We have already had

Вопросы We have already had dinner. Общий: Have we already had dinner?
dinner, haven’t we?

Слайд 8

We have already had dinner.
Have we already had dinner
or lunch?
Who has

We have already had dinner. Альтернативный: Have we already had dinner or
already had dinner?
What have we already had?

Слайд 15

Let’s practice!

John (write) his name.
2. I (draw) a picture.
3. Tom

Let’s practice! John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3.
(switch on) the light.
4. The cat (drink) its milk.
5. The tree (fall) across the road.
6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother.
7. You (make) a mistake.
8. We (eat) our dinner.
9. The train just (go).
10. I just (tell) the answer.
11. George never (be) in Australia.
12. John and Richard just (go away).

Слайд 16

1. Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his

1. Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his
car. 3. Mr Snowdon has made a speech at the conference. 4. Granny has bought me some cakes. 5. They have painted their old house. 6. Liz has bought some flowers. 7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family. 8. The cat has already eaten fish. 9. Mrs Gracy has gone to London. 10. I have never been to India. 11. She has just broken a vase. 12. We have cleaned the room. 13. Chris has phoned his friend. 14. The train has just arrived. 15. It has just started to rain. 16. Kelly has gone to America. 17. We have taken our books to school. 18. The street has changed a lot. 19. You have worked here for a long time. 20. Mandy has been to Greece.

Change into Present Simple

Слайд 17

The pupils are writing the dictation.
My friend is helping me to

The pupils are writing the dictation. My friend is helping me to
solve a difficult problem.
3. I am learning a poem
4. She is telling them an interesting story.
5. Kate is sweeping the floor.
6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
7. I am eating my breakfast.
8. We are drinking water.
9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables.

Change into Present Perfect

Слайд 18

1. You ever / be / to South America?
2. You / read

1. You ever / be / to South America? 2. You /
/ any English books?
3. You / live / in this town all your life?
4. How many times / you / be / in love?
5. What's / the most beautiful country / you /ever / visit?
6. You ever / speak / to a famous person?

Make sentences

Слайд 19

Придумайте предложения
с since и for
1…last summer. 2. ... 1995.

Придумайте предложения с since и for 1…last summer. 2. ... 1995. 3.
... a long time; 4 ... last month;
5. ... two weeks; 6. ... 2 March;
7. ... two hours; 8. ... 1975;
9. ... six days; 10. ... a month,
11. two years; 12. ... three days;
13. ... ten minutes; 14. ... three hundred years;
15. ... Wednesday; 16. ... seven days;
17. ...three o'clock. 18. ... 18 September;
19. ... my last birthday; 20. ... a century;
21. ... 2001.

Слайд 20

Fill in have or has
I answered the question.
She opened the

Fill in have or has I answered the question. She opened the
They called us.
You carried a box.
It rained a lot.
We washed the car.
He closed the window.
Jenny locked the door.
The girls visited the museum.
John and Sophie helped in the garden.

Слайд 21

1. Have you been to Paris? (ever/never
2 Look, your brother has come

1. Have you been to Paris? (ever/never 2 Look, your brother has
in. (usually/just)
3 I have tried to read War and Peace but I always stop because it's difficult. (usually/often)
4 We have visited the Czech Republic. What's it like? (sometimes/never)
5 Peter has given me his homework on time . (sometimes/never)
6 Have you been to the cinema with Tom? (ever/ just)
7 I haven't used that computer so I don't know what to do. (never/ever)
8 They have done the homework. Here it is. (already/yet)
9 They haven't done the homework. It's for next week. (already/yet)
10 I've worked here ten years, (since/for)
11 I've worked here 2000. (since/for)
12 I've worked here. (all my life/since)

Слайд 22

1. Have you ever been to Paris?
2 Look, your brother has just

1. Have you ever been to Paris? 2 Look, your brother has
come in.
3 I have often tried to read War and Peace but I always stop because it's difficult.
4 We have never visited the Czech Republic. What's it like?
5 Peter has never given me his homework on time.
6 Have you ever been to the cinema with Tom?
7 I haven't ever used that computer so I don't know what to do.
8 They have already done the homework. Here it is. (already/yet)
9 They haven't done the homework yet. It's for next week.
10 I've worked here for ten years.
11 I've worked here since 2000.
12 I've worked here all my life.


Слайд 23

Использованные ресурсы:

Рисунок мальчик читает книгу - http://school1980.mosuzedu.ru/standart/biblioteka.php
Рисунок закрытой книги - http://www.pandia.ru/text/77/212/92983.php

Использованные ресурсы: Рисунок мальчик читает книгу - http://school1980.mosuzedu.ru/standart/biblioteka.php Рисунок закрытой книги -
Ну погоди - http://www.skazkidoma.ru/news/rozygrysh_bileta_na_onlajn/2012-01-11-71
Рисунок конверта -
Рисунок девочки - http://stupenbku.ucoz.ru/publ
Рисунок волка - http://www.vectory.ru/index.php?productID=5684
Рисунок Незнайки - http://portrait-photo.ru/litso-babushki-raskraska.html
Рисунок принцессы - http://animahka176220.ucoz.ru/photo/11-0-183
Рисунок Ну погоди на пьедестале - http://myltfilmu.ucoz.ru/search/Рисунок Ну погоди на пьедестале - http://myltfilmu.ucoz.ru/search/Ну%20погоди!/
Рисунок слоненок - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/cadmii/post226601495
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