- 2. ginger [ˈdʒɪndʒə] hair
- 3. in a braid
- 4. the cat purred [pɜːd] мурлыкала
- 5. the witch grinned
- 6. Fly - flew [fluː] летели blow – blew [bluː] подул
- 7. The witch wailed
- 8. the cat spat
- 9. the wind blew so widly
- 10. they searched [sɜːtʃt] for the hat
- 11. But no hat could be found но не нашли никакой шляпы
- 12. out of the bushes [ˈbʊʃɪz]
- 13. on thundering paws на громоподобных лапах ☺ bounded (принеслась) a dog
- 14. in his jaws [dʒɔːz]
- 17. eagerly [ˈiːɡəli] нетерпеливо
- 18. as the witch pulled the hat firmly down on her head
- 19. clambered[ˈklæmbəd] on взобралась
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