Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Слайд 2

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms

Слайд 3

Introductory Activity

Independent Focused Activity

Review Activity

Consolidation Activity



Introductory Activity Independent Focused Activity Review Activity Consolidation Activity Assessment Menu

Слайд 4

Success Criteria


I can identify synonyms and antonyms for a range

Success Criteria Aim I can identify synonyms and antonyms for a range
of words and use these in my own writing.

I can identify and suggest synonyms for given words.
I can identify and suggest antonyms for given words.
I can improve my writing using synonyms.

Слайд 5

Introductory Activity

Introductory Activity

Слайд 6

Sorting Words

Words can be sorted into groups depending on how they are

Sorting Words Words can be sorted into groups depending on how they

Words can be related by form, meaning or spelling.




Слайд 7

Sorting Words

Look at the words on your Word Sorting Activity Sheet.


Sorting Words Look at the words on your Word Sorting Activity Sheet.
out the words and then sort them into groups of words that you think are related. Be ready to explain why you have grouped them like this!

Слайд 8

Sorting Words

Did you manage to work out that your words are related

Sorting Words Did you manage to work out that your words are related by meaning?
by meaning?

Слайд 9

Independent Focused Activity

Independent Focused Activity

Слайд 10

Effective Vocabulary

Knowing some synonyms and antonyms for words can really help you

Effective Vocabulary Knowing some synonyms and antonyms for words can really help
to select the most effective vocabulary for your writing.

If you can distinguish between the subtle differences in words it will help you to be more precise with what you want to say.

Слайд 11

Review Activity

Review Activity

Слайд 12

Challenge Game

Remember. . .

Challenge Game Remember. . .

Слайд 13

Consolidation Activity

Consolidation Activity

Слайд 14

Powerful Synonyms

Flying a kite is a really good hobby.

‘Good’ is very

Powerful Synonyms Flying a kite is a really good hobby. ‘Good’ is
vague. Can you choose a synonym that describes why flying a kite is a good hobby?

Слайд 15

Powerful Synonyms

Seb tore his muscle during sports day.

In this context ‘muscle’ is

Powerful Synonyms Seb tore his muscle during sports day. In this context
not very precise. Can you replace it with the name of a muscle?

Слайд 16

Powerful Synonyms

Play the Choosing Synonyms Game to practise choosing appropriate synonyms.

Powerful Synonyms Play the Choosing Synonyms Game to practise choosing appropriate synonyms.

Слайд 17



Слайд 18

Synonyms and Antonyms

Complete the Mini Test and Application Activity to show you

Synonyms and Antonyms Complete the Mini Test and Application Activity to show
can identify and suggest appropriate synonyms and antonyms to use in your writing.

Слайд 19

Success Criteria


I can identify synonyms and antonyms for a range

Success Criteria Aim I can identify synonyms and antonyms for a range
of words and use these in my own writing.

I can identify and suggest synonyms for given words.
I can identify and suggest antonyms for given words.
I can improve my writing using synonyms.

Имя файла: Spelling,-Punctuation-and-Grammar.pptx
Количество просмотров: 54
Количество скачиваний: 0