Spotlight 9. Module 2F. English in use

Слайд 2

Lesson plan

Lesson plan

Слайд 3

Word formation

Forming nouns from adjectives
We can use these suffixes to form nouns

Word formation Forming nouns from adjectives We can use these suffixes to
from adjectives:
- ance – arrogant – arrogance
(высокомерный – высокомерие)
- cy – urgent – urgency
(срочный – срочность)
- ence – different – difference
( разный – разница)
- ness – gentle – gentleness
(нежный – нежность)
- ity – sane – sanity
(здравомыслящий – здравомыслие

Слайд 4

ex. 1 p. 36

1 secr___ (секретность)
2 import____ (важность)
3 kindn____ (доброта)
4 pati____ (терпение)

ex. 1 p. 36 1 secr___ (секретность) 2 import____ (важность) 3 kindn____
secu____ (безопасность)
6 activ_____ (активность)

Слайд 5

Make of - think about

Make of - think about

Слайд 6

Make off with - stole and run away

Make off with - stole and run away

Слайд 7

Make out - see clearly

Make out - see clearly

Слайд 8

Make up – inventing

Make up – inventing

Слайд 9

Make up for - compensate for

Make up for - compensate for

Слайд 10

check your answers ex. 2 p. 36

1. make ______
2. made ______
3.make _______
4. make

check your answers ex. 2 p. 36 1. make ______ 2. made
5. make _______

Слайд 11

Words often confused



Words often confused brush sweep

Слайд 12

Words often confused



Words often confused cupboard wardrobe

Слайд 13

Words often confused



Words often confused cleaning washing
Имя файла: Spotlight-9.-Module-2F.-English-in-use.pptx
Количество просмотров: 207
Количество скачиваний: 17