S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University Department of of the ICT

Слайд 2

History of the development
of the computer
История развития ВТ

History of the development of the computer История развития ВТ

Слайд 3

Счеты Аббакс

1642 - Блез Паскаль счетная механическая машина

Счеты Аббакс 1642 - Блез Паскаль счетная механическая машина

Слайд 4

Счетная машина Чарлза Бебиджа 1833 г. – первый механический компьютер

Счетная машина Чарлза Бебиджа 1833 г. – первый механический компьютер

Слайд 5

Five Generations of Computers
First Generation. Первое поколение ЭВМ (1945-1956)

ENIAC was the world

Five Generations of Computers First Generation. Первое поколение ЭВМ (1945-1956) ENIAC was
first successful electronic computer which was develops by the two scientists namely J. P. Eckert and J. W. Mauchy. It was the beginning of first generation computer. There early digital designs were composed of thousands of pairs of electronic valves each one similar in size and appearance to a small light bulb.

ENIAC - первая ЭВМ осноавним которого были электронные лампы

Слайд 6

Second Generation Computers (1956-1963)

By 1948, the invention of the transistor

Second Generation Computers (1956-1963) By 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly
greatly changed the computer's development. The transistor was at work in the computer by 1956. Transistors make use of the properties of a special group of elements called Semiconductors. The two main Semiconductors used in electronics are germanium and silicon.

Второе поколение ЭВМ (1956-1963)

1948 – появился транзистор
1956- первый компьютер на полупроводниковых приборах

Слайд 7

Third Generation Computers (1964-1971)

Instruments, developed the integrated circuiting 1958.
Technology of

Third Generation Computers (1964-1971) Instruments, developed the integrated circuiting 1958. Technology of
developed computers, full circuits containing more than one transistor could be fabricated onto a thin chip of semiconductor. These miniscule but nonetheless powerful circuits are called “integrate circuits” (ICs).

Третье поколение ЭВМ (1964-1971)

Компьютеры на основе интегральных электронных схем (ИС)

Слайд 8

Fourth Generation (1971-Present)

‘Micro processor’ is the main concept behind this generation

Fourth Generation (1971-Present) ‘Micro processor’ is the main concept behind this generation
of computer. The First personal computer is Alitair which made 1974.

First Micro processor

Четвертое поколение ЭВМ - 1971- начало эры больших интегральных микросхем (БИС)

«Alitair» первый ПК появился 1974 г. на основе БИС и микропроцессора

Слайд 9

Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond)

Many advances in the science of computer

Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Many advances in the science of computer
design and technology are coming together to enable the creation of fifth-generation computers.

Пятое поколение (настоящее и развивающееся) – лазерное ультра напыление. ПК на сверх больших интегральных схемах (СБИС)

Слайд 10

The Different Types of Computers
Разновидности ПК
1.Desktop Computers
2.Laptop Computers

A server is a

The Different Types of Computers Разновидности ПК 1.Desktop Computers 2.Laptop Computers 3.Servers
computer that "serves up" information to other computers on a network.
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