Strong adjectives

Слайд 2


I was exhausted! (= very tired)
I’ve had a fantastic time! (=

AN EXAMPLE: I was exhausted! (= very tired) I’ve had a fantastic
very good)

I was absolutely exhausted!
It’s really fantastic! NOT VERY!!!

Слайд 3


Was Lisa’s father _______ about the car?
Yes, he was furious!

angry Was Lisa’s father _______ about the car? Yes, he was furious!

Слайд 4


Is Oliver’s flat ______?
Yes, it’s really tiny – just a bedroom and

small Is Oliver’s flat ______? Yes, it’s really tiny – just a
a sitting room!

Слайд 5


Are you ______ of flying?
Yes, I’m really terrified! I never fly anywhere!

afraid Are you ______ of flying? Yes, I’m really terrified! I never fly anywhere!

Слайд 6


Was the food ____ ?
Yes, it was delicious!

nice Was the food ____ ? Yes, it was delicious!

Слайд 7


Are you very _______ ?
I’m starving! I haven’t eaten all day!

hungry Are you very _______ ? I’m starving! I haven’t eaten all day!

Слайд 8


Is your parents’ house ____?
It’s enormous! It has seven bedrooms!

big Is your parents’ house ____? It’s enormous! It has seven bedrooms!

Слайд 9


Was it _______ in Moscow?
It was freezing!
Minus 20 degrees!

cold Was it _______ in Moscow? It was freezing! Minus 20 degrees!

Слайд 10


Was Jack’s kitchen _____?
It was filthy! It took us three hours

dirty Was Jack’s kitchen _____? It was filthy! It took us three hours to clean it!
to clean it!

Слайд 11


Are your parents ______ about the wedding ?
They’re delighted! In fact, they

happy Are your parents ______ about the wedding ? They’re delighted! In
were really waiting for it!

Слайд 12


Was the film ______?
It was hilarious!
We laughed the whole

funny Was the film ______? It was hilarious! We laughed the whole way through!

Слайд 13


Are you _____ that you locked the door?
I’m positive!
I remember turning

sure Are you _____ that you locked the door? I’m positive! I remember turning the key!
the key!

Слайд 14


Were you __________ to hear that Ted is getting married?
I was

surprised Were you __________ to hear that Ted is getting married? I
absolutely amazed!
I never thought it would happen!

Слайд 16

Is there anything that makes you furious about car drivers or cyclists

Is there anything that makes you furious about car drivers or cyclists
in Russia?
Are there any animals or insects that you are terrified of?
What the most delicious meal you’ve had recently?
Is there a comedian or a comedy series that you think is absolutely hilarious?
What can make you really delighted?
Имя файла: Strong-adjectives.pptx
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