Слайд 2Daniel 2
32 The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its

arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.
Слайд 3Industrious, hardworking, intelligent, peaceful. The adjectives are few for the clay-john, a

bird that when feels protected approaches without fear of the man.
The clay-john works in partnership: he and his wife give about 2,000 pecks in the mud to make the nest. Both heap the clay and with the beak they knead it, mix with straw, animal hair and other fibers.
Слайд 4The house is made of 4-7 days, just after a rain, while

the clay is still soft. The nests have two rooms separated by a curved wall that forms a corridor. The internal compartment is where the mother “Marry-clay” lays the eggs. This part of the nest is lined with feathers and other soft materials.
Слайд 5Pictures!!!
The couple

Слайд 6After the babies birds are feathered the parents understand that they can

live for themselves and drive them out of the house. If some more comfortable little john insists on staying, the father starts to shout loudly and the young bird goes and flies away.
Слайд 8After that the couple build another house.
Sometimes the new house is

built above the old one forming small blocks of "apartments".
Слайд 9Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon. He dreamed of a great statue

made of gold, silver, bronze, iron and clay.
For clay-john the earth represents protection. But in this prophecy the clay is a symbol of fragility.
Business done without GOD does not last long.
Слайд 11Each metal symbolizes a nation/kingdom.
The Gold- Babylon
The Silver- Media and Persia
The Bronze-

The Iron- Rome
Iron mixed with Clay - Europe.
Слайд 13In the last part of the dream a stone hits the statue

and destroys it. This stone symbolizes the Kingdom of GOD, which will destroy the kingdoms of this World and fill the earth with the glory of JESUS. We are living in the last phase of this story, in the days of the Return of Jesus.