Слайд 6There are thirty (30) days in
There are four Saturdays in

are five Sundays in
Слайд 7There is Thanksgiving in November.

Слайд 8How is the weather in November?

Слайд 9How is the weather in November?
It’s cold in November.

Слайд 11How is the weather in November?
It’s windy in November.

Слайд 13How is the weather in November?
It’s rainy in November.

Слайд 15How is the weather in November?
It’s foggy in November.

Слайд 18Let’s put on your hat.
It’s time to go outside.
Hurry, hurry up!

Слайд 21Where are the leaves falling?
On the ground.

Слайд 23Red leaves falling
Red leaves falling
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn time is

Autumn time is coming
Слайд 25Look! I have got a basket with apples.

Слайд 26Look! You have got a basket with carrots.

Слайд 29Look! He has got a basket with carrots.

Слайд 30Look! She has got a basket with apples.