Слайд 2

Для обозначения привычек и регулярных действий в прошлом. Used to не изменяется

Для обозначения привычек и регулярных действий в прошлом. Used to не изменяется
по лицам и числам.

I used to play/played the guitar in a band. (I don’t play the guitar in a band anymore.)

Вопросы и отрицания с used to обозначаются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did/didn’t + use to.

Did you use to go to the cinema very often? Robert didn’t use to eat junk food.

Past Simple употребляется, когда речь идет о действиях, которые произошли в определенный момент времени в прошлом.

He went to Paris last month.

Слайд 3

used to + V1

Used to is used to talk about past habits.

used to + V1 Used to is used to talk about past
It has the same form in all persons, singular and plural.

I used to cry when I was a baby.

It forms its negative and interrogative form with did.

I didn’t use to sleep late. Did you use to sleep late?

We use used to or Past Simple for past habits or actions that happened regularly in the past but do not happen now.

He used to have/had short hair. BUT He went to the Opera yesterday.

Слайд 4

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use
to be or have.



to be fat/thin

Liliya used to be fat. She didn’t use to be thin. She is thin now.

Слайд 5

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use
to be or have.



To have blond hair/dark hair

Buzova used to have blond hair. She didn’t use to have dark hair. She has dark hair now.

Слайд 6

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use
to be or have.



To have tattoos

Morgestern didn’t use to have any tattoos. He used to have clean face and body. He has a lot of tattoos now.

Слайд 7

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use
to be or have.



To live with Kirkorov/Galkin

Pugacheva used to live with Kirkorov. She didn’t use to live with Galkin. Now she lives with Galkin.

Слайд 8

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use
to be or have.



To walk together/with smartphones

Children used to walk together. They didn’t use to walk with smartphones. Now they walk with smartphones.

Слайд 9

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use

Look at the pictures and write what they used or didn’t use
to be or have.



To have a haircut

Man didn’t use to have a haircut. Man has a haircut now.

Слайд 10

Write sentences about ancient Greek theatre using
used to/didn’t use to.

It used

Write sentences about ancient Greek theatre using used to/didn’t use to. It
to be very popular.

Women didn’t use to perform.

They used to perform in outdoor theatres.

The actors used to wear masks.

The actors didn’t use to wear make-up.

What do you know about ancient Greek theatre?

Слайд 11

What did/didn’t each person use to do when they were university students?

What did/didn’t each person use to do when they were university students?

1. Fiona didn’t use to drive a car.

1. Fiona used to ride a bicycle.

2. Karen & Laura didn’t use to sleep late.

2. Karen & Laura used to wake up early.

3. John used to stay in students halls

3. John didn’t use to live with his parents.

4. Abigail didn’t use to have a lot of free time.

4. Abigail used to study all day.

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