Слайд 2Ex. 1. Прочитать, записать в тетрадь, выучить
As soon as – так скоро
As quickly as – так быстро как
As much as – так много как
As popular as – Такой популярный как
As if – как будто
As = because – потому что
Same as – такой же как
Слайд 3Ex. 2. Переведите на русский язык
Sandboarding is not as popular as snowboarding.
if you were inside a washing mashing.
This increases the challenge as the longer the swing gets, the more difficult it is to turn over.
Sandboarding is based on the same principle as snowboarding.
This excercise is done the same way as the previous one.
Слайд 4Ex. 3. Составьте самостоятельно 7 предложений по теме «Спорт», используя фразы из
второго слайда.