Watching the English

Слайд 3


Does it still exist?

What kind of behaviour is it?

Englishness Does it still exist? What kind of behaviour is it?

Слайд 5

1. Why not “Britishness”?

“The answer is that I am searching and writing

1. Why not “Britishness”? “The answer is that I am searching and
about Englishness rather than Britishness:
Partly out of sheer laziness;
Partly because England is a nation, and might reasonably be expected to have some sort of a distinctive national culture or character, whereas British is a purely political construct, composed of several nations with their own distinctive cultures;

Слайд 6

Partly because there may be a great deal of overlap between those

Partly because there may be a great deal of overlap between those
cultures, they are clearly not identical and should not be treated as such by being put together under “Britishness”.
And finally because people, using the term “Britishness” almost always mean “Englishness”.

1. Why not “Britishness”?

Слайд 7

2. What is it?

National identity
The hidden, the unspoken rules of English behaviour

2. What is it? National identity The hidden, the unspoken rules of
The unofficial codes of conduct which cut across class, age, sex, region, sub-cultures etc.

Слайд 8

3. Class

3. Class
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Количество просмотров: 50
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