- 2. Describe the photo. How is the footballer feeling? What has happened, do you think? Is she
- 3. What might have happened to the woman? To lie football pitch To be in pain To
- 4. ankle blood bottom brain calf cheek chin elbow eyebrow eyelid forehead heart heel hip intestine jaw
- 5. Find the odd word out. Match the words and the pictures.
- 6. Parts of the body.
- 7. What is it? lung jaw rib heel kidney calf spine wrist throat skull intestines chin waist
- 8. lung jaw rib heel kidney calf spine wrist throat skull intestines chin waist heel rib wrist
- 9. What is it? lung jaw rib heel kidney calf spine wrist throat skull intestines chin waist
- 15. What do they feel? What do they have? She has a headache. She has a stomach
- 17. тип крови тип крови тип крови ногти (руки) ногти (ноги) грудь рука сердце сердце грудь кишечник
- 18. Treatment Бесплатное лечение зубов. Возможно, это время попробовать новый курс лечения. Эта болезнь обычно не поддается
- 19. *to twist an ankle *swollen *to sprain *to bang a head *to trip over *painkillers *to
- 20. To twist your ankle To sprain your wrist To break a bone Bruise yourself To burn
- 21. * Her finger was ________ in the door.
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