Young people what profession to choose

Слайд 2

Мнение автора -

I would like to express my point of wiev

Мнение автора - I would like to express my point of wiev
on this situation (о ситуации речь не идёт)
My personal opinion is that teenagers should choose their future profession by themselves (young people не teenagers) . First of all, if a (young) person decide (decides) to choose his (their) career by himself (themselves) he becomes more independent and confident (+ логика) . Secondly, young people know themselves better and when they are choosing their career they often decide to tie their lifes (lives) with their favourite activities
Мнение автора и первый аргумент неточный

Слайд 3

Мнение оппонента -

But there is another point of view on this problem.

Мнение оппонента - But there is another point of view on this
(не выражена точка зрения)
The most common argument against this (против чего – мысль не завершена) is that parents have more experince in life than their children. Because of this they think they know better what is can be realy important in life
Нет проблемы совета – выбора профессии

Слайд 4

Опровержение -

I cannot agree with this opinion (the opinion given above

Опровержение - I cannot agree with this opinion (the opinion given above
– логика) I cannot agree with this opinion.
I think that children can be very different from their parents in terms of interests and worldviews. That means that the wrong choice of parents can restrict the freedom of a person in the future and even ruin his life.(нет контекста выбор профессии)
parents have more experince in life than their children. – этот аргумент не опровергнут – появилась другая проблема разница интересов и мировоззрений
Имя файла: Young-people-what-profession-to-choose.pptx
Количество просмотров: 66
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