Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Future vision
Future vision
Sure. Based on the skills I know you have, there are 26 jobs I could match you with in your area. I’ll submit your application now [press here to stop] and share the list of roles with contact info so you can follow up. If you want to take additional training, I can suggest a few courses that, if you excel in them, would match you to an additional 102 jobs. Do any of those jobs involve fixing and repairing electronics? If so, give me those courses. Yes, 2 of them do. Let’s get started. The course is offered by University of Nairobi together with SolarCity. It should take 1 month and by the end you’ll known how to do common repairs on mobile phones, computers, and solar units. If you do the video-enabled version, it will require 2 GB of data but I see you have 1,200 Arifu points so can redeem them for those data bundles anytime. Let’s start with job matching Sasa John. I can try to match you with some jobs I know about. I can also help you start your own business if you don’t find one you like. Arifu, I can’t find a job. What should I do? Redeem and let’s get started! There do not seem to be emergency services available in your area right now but I’ve alerted the Red Cross of your situation on a secure channel. I would suggest you get to safety first while I organize a call with a volunteer doctor to advise on your wound. If you would like info about treating it now, press 1. No, not now but send it to me tomorrow Yes. There will be a truck leaving in 1 hour from the city square (designated safe zone). I have reserved a spot for you and informed the camp you will need a tent for 3 and medical attention. For further safety training, ask me anytime. It should be fine but my foot was cut badly by metal from an explosion. I’m here to help. Is your injury life threatening? Can you describe it to me? Okay. I also checked 12 social and emergency networks and found your daughter, ID 82929. She is at a camp 6 hours from you. Great! Can you arrange transport for me? Hilda, this is a courtesy call because you are in an area where violence was reported. Are you okay? I’m not okay. I’ve injured my foot and have to get to safety with my child. I also can’t find my oldest daughter.
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