Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Present tenses. Past simple
Present tenses. Past simple
1. В прошлом году Филомена написала справочник для тех, кто серьезно задумался о смене темпа своей жизни. wrote 2. Ф. Тэн уже собрала материал для своей новой книги. has already collected 3. В начале 80-х она изучала психологию. Тогда она провела исследование для своей докторской диссертации. studied, did research 4. Я знаю автора этого справочника уже несколько лет. have known 5. Тэн часто работала до 10 ч. вечера. Теперь она так не работает. worked 6. Ей всегда нравилась психология. has always liked 7. Вы были в их офисе? Have you been to 8. Наши клиенты здесь с утра. have been 9. Она сделала презентацию для менеджеров и внесла предложение. made a presentation, gave 10. Она занималась йогой сегодня. has done yoga 11. Сегодня дома она занималась йогой. Сейчас она на работе. did yoga, is 12. Мы провели переговоры о заключении важного контракта сегодня утром. (Сейчас уже 5 p.m.) negotiated 13. В 30 лет она была консультантом по исследованию рынка. was 14. Она поменяла свой быстрый темп жизни. has changed 15. Когда она поменяла свой темп жизни? did she change 16. Она еще не получила квалификацию инженера. hasn’t got 17. Наш коллега позвонил на радиостанцию. has called 18. Мы давно провели испытание прибора. tested 19. Сколько вы знаете эту семью? have you known 20. За последние 5 лет мы очень много сделали в этой области. have done
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Education speaking session
Education speaking session
Withdraw (leave) from the course Submit an application (apply) acquire a qualification apply to university Attend (visit) lectures Enroll on a course (take up a course) work nine-to-five work long hours make a name for oneself work one's fingers to the bone move up the career ladder land in a job (get a job) Take up a new hobby What are your work or study ambitions? Tell me about the subjects you find most interesting Do you prefer working or studying on your own or with other people? What kind of work would be ideal for you? Do you prefer mentally or physically challenging work? What kind of Environment do you enjoy studying or working in? How often do you go online to find out about something? Tell me about an interesting work or study project you’ve done recently That’s an interesting question. Let me think about that for a bit That’s a tough one! I’m not sure about that – let me see… That’s an interesting question. To begin with, I’m enrolling on a teaching course next month to upgrade my teaching skills and I also crave to take up learning Italian and Spanish in order to teach these languages soon. That’s a tough one! I can’t stand working in a company where everyone slacks off, because I prefer to work my fingers to the bone and do overtime, I need inspiration from my colleagues. I would also leave a dead-end job, because I’m a highflyer and I hope my career takes off very soon. I’m not sure about that, let me see… I hate manual labour, I’d rather do some paperwork, but monotonous tasks turn me off very quickly so it should be something that sharpens my skills I definitely prefer studying on my own. The problem is that other people distract me and not many people are ready to keep their nose to the grindstone like me, so they just slow me down, it isn’t productive at all Let me think about that for a bit. Well, if I had to choose, I would definitely study languages, literature and culture more. These are my favourite subjects. When I acquire new information about foreign cultures, I get excited and inspired
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