Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Comparing language Fill in all the gaps as      difference      fewer      more      similar      smallest      than      twice      While    1. …………….. the Japanese purchased nearly 50 million smart phones, the Canadians bought only just over 3 million. 2. Americans bought nearly 9 million …………………. smart phones than tablets. 3.The Australians bought slightly more smart phones …………………. the British did. 4. It is notable how the Australians bought ………………… smart phones than tablets. 5. In contrast, Australians bought a  ………………….number of smart phones and tablets. 6.The Koreans bought exactly………………………  as many smart phones as tablets. 7. The British bought the……………………..  number of tablets. 8. There was only a slight ……………. in the number of smart phones and tablets bought by Canadians. 9. Canadians bought almost as many tablets ……………………….. smart phones.     almost twice as many    -  approximately the same -     around  -    few major  -    most common   -   next most    -  only just more    -  significantly more    -  slightly more   -   the fewest This bar chart shows the different reasons for making journeys in the UK in 2006 and how males and females differed in this.  It is immediately apparent that the ………….. purposes for travelling were commuting and shopping, both being …………… 20 per cent of trips. The …………. common reasons were visiting friends and doing the school run at 15%, closely followed by personal business at around 10%. Travelling for sport and entertainment (7%) ……………was  common than journeys for educational purposes (6%). Finally, ……………… number of trips were travelling for holidays and walking, both of which accounted for around 3 per cent of all journeys. Typically, there were  ……………differences between males and females. In holidays, personal business and walking both sexes took …………. amount of journeys, while  men travelled for educational purposes and more women visited friends. Notably, ……………. men as women travelled for entertainment reasons and, likewise, around 7% more men commuted to work. The two areas in which women travelled ……………. than men were shopping and the school run.
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Степени сравнения с помощью суффиксов при помощи суффиксов -er (сравнительная степень) и -est (превосходная степень) возможен только для прилагательных из одного слога и двухсложных прилагательных с ударением на последний слог: new – newer – the newest (новый) polite – politer – the politest (вежливый) Также сюда входят двусложные слова оканчивающиеся на -ble, -er, -y, -some, -ow: noble честный – nobler более честный – the noblest самый честный, самый благородный tender  нежный, ласковый– tenderer  более нежный, ласковый– the tenderest самый нежный, ласковый Степени сравнения с помощью слов more, the most используется для многосложных слов. Для этого перед прилагательным ставятся слова more (более/наиболее) – для сравнительной степени the most (самый) – для превосходной степени effective – more effective – the most effective эффективный – более эффективный – самый эффективный
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