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Valentine's Day February 14
Valentine's Day February 14
Valentine's Day Valentine's Day is a holiday of Catholic origin, which is celebrated on February 14 in many countries of the world. Named after one of the two early Christian martyrs with the name Valentine Interance and Valentine of Rome Those who celebrate this holiday give their loved ones gifts, flowers, sweets, toys, balloons and special cards (often in the shape of a heart) with poems, love confessions or love wishes — valentines. Valentine cards-cards in the form of a scarlet heart are well known as a symbolic gift on Valentine's Day. The creation of the first "valentine" is also attributed to the Duke of Orleans in 1415. He was in prison, and so perhaps he was fighting boredom by writing love letters to his own wife. The greatest distribution of postcards reached already in the XVIII century. Valentine's Day Stories There are many legends associated with the name of St. Valentine. The most famous of them tells of a preacher who in 269 married the legionaries of the Roman Empire with their chosen ones, although then there was a ban on weddings, introduced by Claudius II. The emperor believed that marriage undermines the morale of soldiers. For disobedience, Claudius threw the priest into prison and soon executed him. Before his execution, Valentine wrote a letter to his blind beloved, in which he revealed the secret of his feelings. A blind girl, having received a dying message, saw clearly. Most likely, it is from this story that the tradition of writing Valentine's notes to your significant other on Valentine's Day comes.
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Правила употребления “get, gain, win” в речи и письме. 11 класс
Правила употребления “get, gain, win” в речи и письме. 11 класс
Все эти глаголы имеют одно значение "получать", "приобрести" но каждый несет определенную окраску и есть некоторые различия в употреблении. TO GET Имеет общее значение и является наиболее употребляемым, обозначает факт. We got some money for our work. Мы получили некоторую сумму за нашу работу. to get a letter to get an impression to get a shock TO GAIN часто переводится как "завоевать что-либо", что-то досталось человеку полезное/ необходимое путем страданий или борьбы, он не сам достал, не пришло по почте и досталось не путем усилий, трудов, безотносительно к тому, заслуживает он этого или нет. to gain a reputation - завоевать репутацию to gain advantage over somebody - получить преимущество перед кем-либо to gain one's confidence - завоевать чьё-либо доверие She decided to be agreeable to her friends and to gain their confidence. Она решила стараться угодить своим друзьям и заслужить их доверие. to gain experience – приобретать опыт to gain knowledge – приобрести знания to gain attention – привлечь внимание to gain independence – приобрести независимость to gain favour – заслужить благосклонность to gain control - получить контроль
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