Fleas are tiny, but anyone who has seen one can

usually recognize them with ease. They're tiny, flat, wingless insects that have a knack for jumping away before you can catch them. Their bodies are covered with hard plates called sclerites, so if you do catch one, squashing it can be a challenge. Their hard outer shell protects fleas from everything from an animal's teeth to hitting the floor after a long jump.
Слайд 5To the naked eye, a flea's exoskeleton seems completely smooth, but it's really covered

in tiny hairs that point away from the flea's head. Their flattened bodies and these backward-pointing hairs make it easy for fleas to crawl through their hosts' fur. But if something tries to dislodge them, the hairs act like tiny Velcro anchors. This is why a fine-toothed comb removes fleas better than a brush does. The teeth of the comb are too close together for fleas to slip through, so it can pull them from the host's hair, regardless of which way fleas' hairs are pointing.
Слайд 7A flea also has spines around its head and mouth –

number and shape vary according to the flea's species.
The mouth itself is adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Several mouthparts come together to form a needlelike drinking tube.
Слайд 8Here's a rundown:
Two sawlike laciniae cut the skin. They also fit together to form

a saliva channel.
The epipharynx is like a needle. The laciniae surround the epipharynx, and together they form the stylet, or puncturing organ.
The prementum and labial palps form the labium, which supports the stylet.
There are four stages in the life cycle of a flea:
1) egg,

Depending on the environmental temperature and humidity levels, the total life cycle will take anywhere from a couple weeks to many months.
Слайд 12How long does it take to break the flea life cycle?
The first

time to get the flea cycle cut and kill adult fleas and the second time in about 10-14 days as you wait for the complete cycle to stop and you need immediate relief (fleas are still emerging from the cocoon stages)

Слайд 16Beside their role as ectoparasites, the major medical importance of fleas is

their role as vectors of various pathogens to humans and animals. While more than 550 arboviruses are found in arthropods, so far surprisingly, no arbovirus has been detected which uses fleas as a biological vector. However, there is some evidence that some viruses, namely feline leukemia virus and myxomatosis virus, under artificial laboratory conditions could be mechanically transmitted by fleas
Слайд 17Some diseases by human fleas…
Murine typhus
Bubonic plague

Слайд 18Flea associated allergies..
Flea saliva can cause skin dermatitis in humans, which usually

appears on patches of skin as itchy bumps or a rash.
Some people can have asthmatic-type reactions when they inhale flea feces.
Pets can also react to flea bites and will commonly develop a flea hypersensitivity or flea-bite dermatitis. As a result, animals may develop crusty lesions and may constantly scratch at their skin, often leading to fur loss.
Слайд 19signs and symptoms of a flea bites in humans
Red spots with a

Rash (characterized by small clusters of bumps)
Swelling around the bite.
Слайд 20Treatment for flea bites
Resist the urge to scratch.
Wash the bites with antiseptic

soap to reduce the risk of infection.
Apply an icepack frequently to help relieve swelling.
Use calamine lotion, anaesthetic creams or similar to treat the itching.
See your pharmacist for advice on appropriate antihistamine medications to reduce the swelling.
Слайд 21Diagnosis
Identification of fleas is performed with the use of light microscopy and

taxonomic keys.
Clean animal bedding and the general surrounds thoroughly.
Vacuum the carpets. Throw away

the vacuum cleaner bag, since it will contain fleas and eggs, or use a surface spray into the bag.
Use an appropriate spray or ‘flea bomb’ in your house, taking care to follow the label directions carefully.
A persistent infestation may need to be treated by a qualified pest control operator.
Maintain hygiene practices