Zoo is the preservation of animal life or is it a prison for them

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Zoo it’s zoological garden, zoological park is a facility in

WHAT IT IS? Zoo it’s zoological garden, zoological park is a facility
which living animals are confined within enclosures and usually displayed to the public. Zoo main goal is to make a place where animals where they can not only live and life in the safety of the surrounding one but also allow them to develop and increase their gender.

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To undertake and promote relevant high quality zoological and

ZOO HAS STRATEGY AIMS: To undertake and promote relevant high quality zoological
conservation research, to help us achieve our conservation objectives and to inform and influence conservation policy.

To encourage and motivate all our stakeholders to support and engage in conservation.

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Holding any animal in captivity has questionable ethics.

CONS OF ZOO Holding any animal in captivity has questionable ethics. There
may be educational value in a zoo, but keeping animals in captivity offers an ethical dilemma. Some animals, like the average house cat, will thrive in a captive environment. Others, like orcas, do very poorly when living in captivity. An orca in the wild may live up to 100 years in the wild, but the average age at a captive orca is less than 30 years – and it’s 17 years for a male orca. Even if captivity extends a lifetime, it can change animal behavior.
Elephants are often the focus of this key point because of their size compared to their enclosure. Elephants are also migratory animals, so restricting this instinct can cause them to become more aggressive. More than 75 elephants have been euthanized at zoos before reaching the age of 40 when their lifespan is estimated to be 70 years in the wild. Predatory animals become more aggressive as well when restricted, which puts zookeepers and visitors at an increased risk.

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Most zoos are treated as a recreational facility.
Since the 19th century,

Most zoos are treated as a recreational facility. Since the 19th century,
in both good and bad ways, most zoos were established to further a scientific understanding about the nature which surrounds us. That has changed over the years to the point where many see a zoo as nothing more than a recreational facility. Established zoos cater to this attitude and justify it because they need to have funds to further the research or preservation efforts that are taking place.

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Pros of zoo

Zoos provide an educational resource. The modern zoo plays a

Pros of zoo Zoos provide an educational resource. The modern zoo plays
critical role in education children and families about the different animals with whom we share this planet. No matter what a person’s socioeconomic status may be, there is a chance to learn something new because of the work of a zoo.
A zoo provides a protected environment for endangered animals.
There are several animals which are poached frequently because of certain items. Having a zoo provides these animals with a safer place to live because they are behind multiple levels of protection.
Zoos can also be an economic resource for a community.
Zoos do more than just provide a place for animals to reside. They are a place that provides jobs, creates tourism opportunities, and can even be an economic nexus for a community. The Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle has an annual budget that exceeds $36 million and they pay $17 million in wages annually. Another $5.2 million is paid in outside vendor contracts. The zoo was established in 1898 and 70% of its revenues come from zoo visits and private contributions.

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Most zoos are required to go through an accreditation process of some

Most zoos are required to go through an accreditation process of some
sort. One of the most common arguments against the existence of zoos is that they are not carefully supervised. In the past, this was a valid observation. Zoos in the developed world must go through an accreditation process to maintain operations. Inspections that include habitat cleanliness, humane practices, and proper care occur regularly. If a zoo is unable to meet those standards, they can potentially lose their accreditation and their animals will be transferred to a zoo that does meet them.

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In conclusion I would state with absolute confidence is that for many

CONCLUSION In conclusion I would state with absolute confidence is that for
species (but no, not all) it is perfectly possible to keep them in a zoo or wildlife park and for them to have a quality of life as high or higher than in the wild. Their movement might be restricted (but not necessarily by that much) but they will not suffer from the threat or stress of predators (and nor will they be killed in a grisly manner or eaten alive) or the irritation and pain of parasites, injuries and illnesses will be treated, they won’t suffer or die of drought or starvation and indeed will get a varied and high-quality diet with all the supplements required.
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