Experimental methods for studies of ion – molecule reaktions and of ion – electron rekombination


Слайд 2

Time dependence of the value of recombination rate coefficient for H3+ ions

Time dependence of the value of recombination rate coefficient for H3+ ions
with electrons

Not a simple problem

Слайд 3

Different experiments

Ion Storage Ring

Afterglow plasma

+ No buffer gas
+ Excellent energy resolution

Different experiments Ion Storage Ring Afterglow plasma + No buffer gas +
estimation of cross section from measured data
Rotational temperature of ions in the ring can be >= 300 K

+ Many collisions of ions with buffer gas particles – effective thermalization
+ The measured quantity is thermal rate coefficient
Complicated chemical kinetics
Presence of third bodies can influence the recombination

Слайд 4

Ion storage ring

Figure 1: Design model of the CSR showing the electrostatic

Ion storage ring Figure 1: Design model of the CSR showing the
ion optical elements (enlarged in circuits), the injection line, the electron cooler (straight section at the right side) and the reaction microscope (straight section at the left side)

(A) Scheme of the CSR ring structure with the injected and stored HeH+ ion beam (red), merged electron beam (blue), reaction products (green), and particle detector. (B) Reaction scheme and position-sensitive detection of coincident fragments. (C) Equilibrium rotational state populations of HeH+ for previous studies (300 K) and the estimated radiation field in the CSR.

Слайд 5

Recombination of ions in specific quantum state

Recombination of ions in specific quantum state

Слайд 6

Rekombination of H3+ ions with electrons

Neutral assisted ternary recombination:

Electron assisted ternary recombination:


Rekombination of H3+ ions with electrons Neutral assisted ternary recombination: Electron assisted
of H5+ and its subsequent recombination with electrons:

Glosík J., Dohnal P. et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24(6), 065017, 2015

Слайд 7

Stationary afterglow plasma

Combination of Stationary afterglow and absorption spectroscopy

Stationary afterglow plasma Combination of Stationary afterglow and absorption spectroscopy

Слайд 8

Stationary afterglow plasma

AISA – Advanced Integrated Stationary Afterglow
Mass spectrometer + Langmuir probe

Stationary afterglow plasma AISA – Advanced Integrated Stationary Afterglow Mass spectrometer +

Phys. Rev. Lett., 88 (4): Art. No. 044802 (4 pages), 2002.

Слайд 9

Stationary afterglow plasma

Microwave diagnostics + mass spectrometry

Stationary afterglow plasma Microwave diagnostics + mass spectrometry

Слайд 10

Microwave diagnostics of plasma

Plasma conductivity

Change of resonant frequency and resonator quality:

Plasma frequency

Microwave diagnostics of plasma Plasma conductivity Change of resonant frequency and resonator quality: Plasma frequency

Слайд 11

Microwave diagnostics of plasma

Sicha et al., Czech. J. Phys. B 20, 684,

Microwave diagnostics of plasma Sicha et al., Czech. J. Phys. B 20,

From the shift of resonant frequency we can get electron number density

Слайд 12

Electron number density measurement

Microwave diagnostics of plasma

Electron number density measurement Microwave diagnostics of plasma

Слайд 13

SA-CRDS apparatus

CRDS – Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy
SA – Stationary Afterglow

Highly reflective mirror


SA-CRDS apparatus CRDS – Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy SA – Stationary Afterglow
tube diameter– 1.5 cm
He buffer gas flow ~ 400 – 1600 sccm
Pressure ~ 200 – 1500 Pa
Temperature range ~ 77 – 300 K

Слайд 14

Cavity ringdown spectroscopy

First used for mirror reflectivity determination (Herbelin et al. 1980).

Cavity ringdown spectroscopy First used for mirror reflectivity determination (Herbelin et al.
the dependence of ring-down time on absorption between the mirrors was observed (O‘Keefe et al. 1988)

Herbelin et al., Appl. Opt. 19, 144, 1980.
O‘Keefe et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 59, 2544, 1988.

Highly reflective mirrors by Layertec (diameter 6.3 mm, reflectivity R = 99.99 %)

Слайд 15


The time evolution of ion number density is measured (of particular quantum

SA-CRDS The time evolution of ion number density is measured (of particular
Kinetic temperature can be determined from Doppler broadening of absorption lines
Rotational temperature is given by relative populations of rotational states

Слайд 16



Слайд 17



Слайд 18


Plašil, R; Dohnal, P; Kálosi, Á; Roučka, Š; Shapko, D; Rednyk, S;

Cryo-SA-CRDS Plašil, R; Dohnal, P; Kálosi, Á; Roučka, Š; Shapko, D; Rednyk,
Johnsen, R; Glosík, J, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89: 063116, 2018.

Слайд 19

H3+ (again)

The lowest rotational states of the vibrational ground state


I =

H3+ (again) The lowest rotational states of the vibrational ground state Para

I = 3/2

Слайд 20


At 30 K, we can change the population of the of the

Cryo-SA-CRDS At 30 K, we can change the population of the of
lowest state of H3+ from 40% to 80% of all ions. The rest of the ions are mainly in the (1,0) state.

Слайд 21

Rekombination of H3+ ions in specific quantum state

Rekombination of H3+ ions in specific quantum state

Слайд 22

Combination of CRDS and microwave diagnostics

Combination of CRDS and microwave diagnostics

Слайд 23

Studied ion is not dominant in plasma

Studied ion is not dominant in plasma

Слайд 24

Flowing afterglow plasma

Flowing afterglow plasma

Слайд 25

Flowing afterglow plasma

Flowing afterglow plasma

Слайд 26


FALP – Flowing Afterglow with Langmuir Probe
SIFT – Selective Ion

FALP, SIFT, SIFDT FALP – Flowing Afterglow with Langmuir Probe SIFT –
Flow Tube
SIFDT – Selective Ion Flow Drift Tube

Слайд 27


FALP – study of electron – ion recombination
SIFT – study

FALP, SIFT, SIFDT FALP – study of electron – ion recombination SIFT
of ion – molecule reactions
Measurement of ion mobility

Слайд 28


Cryogenic Flowing Afterglow with Langmuir Probe
Flowtube diameter – 5 cm
He buffer

Cryo-FALP II Cryogenic Flowing Afterglow with Langmuir Probe Flowtube diameter – 5
gas flow ~ 2500– 6000 sccm
Pressure ~ 200 – 2000 Pa
Temperature range ~ 40 – 300 K

Слайд 29


The evolution of electron number density along the flowtube (i.e. in

Cryo-FALP II The evolution of electron number density along the flowtube (i.e.
time) is measured
It is possible to determine the electron energy distribution function and their temperature

Слайд 30

Recombination of Ar+ ions with elekcrons, dependence on ne

Kotrík T., Dohnal P.,

Recombination of Ar+ ions with elekcrons, dependence on ne Kotrík T., Dohnal
Roučka Š., Jusko P., Plašil R., Glosík J., Johnsen R., Phys. Rev. A 83, 032720, 2011.

Kotrík T., Dohnal P., Rubovič P., Plašil R., Roučka Š., Opanasiuk S., Glosík J., Eur. Phys. J.-Appl. Phys. 56, 24011, 2011.

Слайд 31

Recombination of Ar+ ions with elekcrons, dependence on helium pressure

Dohnal P., Rubovič

Recombination of Ar+ ions with elekcrons, dependence on helium pressure Dohnal P.,
P., Kotrík T., Hejduk M., Plašil R., Johnsen R., Glosík J., Phys. Rev. A 87, 052716, 2013.

Слайд 32

Calibration of Langmuir Probe

Rekombination of O2+ ions with electrons is a well

Calibration of Langmuir Probe Rekombination of O2+ ions with electrons is a
known process (many studies in last 50 years)
Three body (helium assisted) recombination is at given conditions negligible
The goal is to determine the electron number density with the best possible precision

Слайд 33

22 rf pole ion trap

Many configurations for different experiments
Cold Heads at 22PT

22 rf pole ion trap Many configurations for different experiments Cold Heads
and H atom source work down to 11 K a 7 K
Ions produced in Storage Ion Source (SIS)
Only ions selected by QP mass filter enter the trap
After set storage time, the ions from the trap are mass selected and detected by MCP

Слайд 34

22 rf pole ion trap

22 rf pole ion trap

Слайд 35

O- + D2

Plašil, R; Tran, TD; Roučka, Š; Jusko, P; Mulin, D;

O- + D2 Plašil, R; Tran, TD; Roučka, Š; Jusko, P; Mulin,
Zymak, I; Rednyk, S; Kovalenko, A; Dohnal, P; Glosík, J; Houfek, K; Táborský, J; Cížek, M, Phys. Rev. A, 96 (6): 062703 ,2017.
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