The World Ocean

Слайд 2

Students discuss a quote about the ocean and freewrite

LESSON 1. YOUR OCEAN Students discuss a quote about the ocean and
about the importance of the ocean and their daily connection to the ocean.

Слайд 3


A gray whale breaches off the coast of Puerto

PHOTOGRAPH BY LEA WHEELER A gray whale breaches off the coast of
Vallarta, Mexico.
Scientists don't know why gray whales breach, though speculations range from removing parasites from their skin, alerting other whales in the area, or simply for play.

Слайд 4

What does the ocean mean to you?

What does the ocean mean to you?

Слайд 5

Find your location. Find the closest ocean. Think about:  What moves from you to the

Find your location. Find the closest ocean. Think about: What moves from
ocean? What moves from the ocean to you?

Слайд 6

Think about the phrase

“Even if you never have the chance to see

Think about the phrase “Even if you never have the chance to
or touch the ocean, the ocean touches you with every breath you take, every drop of water you drink, every bite you consume. Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea” © Sylvia Earle

Слайд 7

Podcast Vocabulary List

• Sea of Eden
• Paradise Lost
• depletion
• oxygen

Podcast Vocabulary List • Sea of Eden • Paradise Lost • depletion

• universe
• scientist
• scuba
• aquanaut
• astronaut
• (personal) submersible
• submarine
• expedition
• life support system
• assets
• replenish
• subsidiary
• generated
• organic carbon
• microbes
• enduring
• vicariously
• preceding
• national marine sanctuaries
• marine reserves
• (ocean) trench
• carbon dioxide
• global warming
• acidic
• plankton
• (ocean) circulatory system
• carbon/nitrogen/oxygen/water
• (industrial fishing) trawler
• plume
• bycatch
• biomass concentration
• (safeguarding) biodiversity
• carbon sink
• watershed
• Census (of Marine Life)
• luminous (creatures)
• pristine
• climate change
• poverty
• mitigate
• stability
• resilience

Слайд 8

Podcast Vocabulary List

• Sea of Eden – Море Эдема
• Paradise Lost –

Podcast Vocabulary List • Sea of Eden – Море Эдема • Paradise
потерянный рай
• depletion - истощение
• oxygen - кислород
• universe - вселенная
• scientist - ученый
• scuba - акваланг
• aquanaut – акванавт/гидронавт
• astronaut – астронавт
• (personal) submersible - спускаемый аппарат
• submarine - подлодка
• expedition - экспедиция
• life support system – система жизнеобеспеч
• assets - активы
• replenish - пополнить
• subsidiary – вспомогательный
• generated – полученных, добытых
• organic carbon – органический углерод
• microbes - микробы
• enduring – устойчивый/прочный
• vicariously - опосредованно
• preceding - предшествующий
• national marine sanctuaries - заповедники
• marine reserves – морские резервации
• (ocean) trench - впадина
• carbon dioxide – углекислый газ
• global warming – глобальное потепление
• acidic - кислотный
• plankton - планктон
• (ocean) circulatory system – система водообращения
• carbon/nitrogen/oxygen/water cycles – углерод/азот/кислород
• (industrial fishing) trawler – рыболовное судно (траулер)
• plume - шлейф
• bycatch - прилов
• biomass concentration – концентрация биомассы
• (safeguarding) biodiversity – сохраняя био-разнообразие
• carbon sink – поглотитель углерода
• watershed - водосбор
• Census (of Marine Life) – перепись флоры и фауны окена
• luminous (creatures) – светящиеся существа
• pristine - нетронутая
• climate change – изменение климата
• poverty - бедность
• mitigate - смягчать
• stability - стабильность
• resilience – жизнестойкость, сопротивляемость
Имя файла: The-World-Ocean.pptx
Количество просмотров: 40
Количество скачиваний: 0