Слайд 2Powered by

Слайд 3“Pay the favor forward” principle
According to this principle, students study at

school for free, but we request that they return as mentors to pass on their knowledge to the next generation of students
Слайд 5Our community
Active community. 15K people in our Discord server. Friendly atmosphere,

people on hand to assist at all times
80+ regular volunteers.
Multiple opportunities for communication. Shared learning is more interesting and more effective.
Mentors from different companies and countries, mainly programmers. 400+ volunteers participated in mentoring our students in last two years.
Слайд 6Benefits of RS School
Online classes. Ability to view lectures on YouTube

and do tasks at any time.
Employment Opportunities (refferals)
Possibility to take various mock interviews in preparation for actual interviews.
Students can repeatedly attend courses.
No age limit.
Слайд 8Documentation

Слайд 9YouTube channel

Слайд 10Discord invitation

Слайд 11Telescope
Optional for students / mentor comunication.

Слайд 13GitHub account
Register https://github.com/

Слайд 14RS School App
Register in school app:
once register you can use app:

Слайд 15Repo for school
Visit app: app.rs.school
Navigate to dashboard
Click Send invite
After a few seconds

you shoud have link to your repo.
Слайд 16CodeWars
Register in codding challenges platform

Слайд 17Course Content

Слайд 18Course Schedule
1. Keep deadlines
2. One extra day added in rs.app, does not

mean you have one extra day.
3. There is a possibility to extend deadline in special circumstances – agree with the mentor
Слайд 19Special roles in school
RS Activist

Слайд 20Mentoring is
1. Guideline for student
2. Answering questions
3. Professional tips for student

Слайд 21Mentoring is not
1. Tutorial
2. One on one codding sessions
3. Pear programming student

+ mentor
4. Any work guarantee
Слайд 22See related intro recordings
Intro 2020: https://youtu.be/Es7iMC3qzMI?t=982
Intro two 2020: https://youtu.be/tJdGt6vNuiM?t=167

Слайд 23Home Work
Watch related intro videos (optional)
Create github account
Register in School App
Read School

Join Discord and wait for announcements