Слайд 2Life without numbers
It is believed that the early shepherds would call their

sheep by name in order to determine if any of them were missing. There were no number names at first; so counters were used. For counters man used sticks or his fingers
Слайд 3Archimedes
The greatest mathematicians of recorded history was the Greek Archimedes who developed

a dynamic mathematics which could be applied to the laws of nature.
Слайд 4
Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes represented number pairs by points. This creation made

possible the great advance in science and mathematics during the eighteenth century.
Слайд 5Isaac Newton
Newton was one of the inventors of the calculus which

is now studied by college students who are seriously interested in mathematics or physical science.
Слайд 6
Base of our number-system
Our number-system uses only the symbols 0, 1, ...

9; it has base ten. Ten is
probably the base because we have ten fingers It is not known when or by whom zero was invented.