
Слайд 2


Software Quality Assurance and Testing Fundamentals
Software Testing Types: Functional and Non-Functional Testing

Outline Software Quality Assurance and Testing Fundamentals Software Testing Types: Functional and
Black-Box testing
White-Box Testing
Sanity Testing
Smoke Testing
Regression Testing
Bugs. Defects.
Bug Life Cycle
Bug Reporting and Tracking

Слайд 3

Software Quality Assurance Fundamentals

Software Quality Assurance Fundamentals

Слайд 4

Some Observations

It is impossible to completely test any nontrivial module or any

Some Observations It is impossible to completely test any nontrivial module or
Theoretical limitations: Halting prob
Practical limitations: Prohibitive in time and cost
Testing can only show the presence of bugs, not their absence (Dijkstra)

total number of execution paths?

Слайд 5

Fault Handling Techniques


Fault Handling

Fault Avoidance

Fault Tolerance

Fault Detection













Fault Handling Techniques Testing Fault Handling Fault Avoidance Fault Tolerance Fault Detection

Слайд 6

Quality Assurance encompasses Testing

Usability Testing

Quality Assurance





Fault Avoidance

Fault Tolerance

Fault Detection














Quality Assurance encompasses Testing Usability Testing Quality Assurance Testing Prototype Testing Scenario

Слайд 7

Software Quality Assurance (SQA)

It is  the ongoing process that ensures the software

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) It is the ongoing process that ensures the
product meets and complies with the organization's established and standardized quality specifications (quality factors, quality metrics)
SQA incorporates all software development processes starting from defining requirements to coding until release. Its prime goal is to ensure quality.

Слайд 8

Software Quality Assurance Plan

Abbreviated as SQAP, the software quality assurance plan comprises

Software Quality Assurance Plan Abbreviated as SQAP, the software quality assurance plan
the procedures, techniques, and tools that are employed to make sure that a product or service aligns with the requirements defined in the SRS(software requirement specification).

Слайд 9

SQA Activities

#1) Creating an SQA Management Plan: The foremost activity includes laying

SQA Activities #1) Creating an SQA Management Plan: The foremost activity includes
down a proper plan regarding how the SQA will be carried out in your project. Along with what SQA approach you are going to follow, what engineering activities will be carried out, and it also includes ensuring that you have the right talent mix in your team.
#2) Setting the Checkpoints: The SQA team sets up different checkpoints according to which it evaluates the quality of the project activities at each checkpoint/project stage. This ensures regular quality inspection and working as per the schedule.
#3) Apply software Engineering Techniques: Applying some software engineering techniques aids a software designer in achieving high-quality specifications. For gathering information, a designer may use techniques such as interviews and FAST (Functional Analysis System Technique). Later, based on the information gathered, the software designer can prepare the project estimation using techniques like WBS (work breakdown structure), SLOC (source line of codes), and FP(functional point) estimation.
#4) Executing Formal Technical Reviews: An FTR is done to evaluate the quality and design of the prototype. In this process, a meeting is conducted with the technical staff to discuss the actual quality requirements of the software and the design quality of the prototype. This activity helps in detecting errors in the early phase of SDLC and reduces rework effort in the later phases.
#5) Having a Multi-Testing Strategy: By multi-testing strategy, we mean that one should not rely on any single testing approach, instead, multiple types of testing should be performed so that the software product can be tested well from all angles to ensure better quality.

Слайд 10

SQA Activities

#6) Enforcing Process Adherence: This activity insists on the need for

SQA Activities #6) Enforcing Process Adherence: This activity insists on the need
process adherence during the software development process. The development process should also stick to the defined procedures.
#7) Controlling Change: In this activity, we use a mix of manual procedures and automated tools to have a mechanism for change control. By validating the change requests, evaluating the nature of change, and controlling the change effect, it is ensured that the software quality is maintained during the development and maintenance phases.
#8) Measure Change Impact: If any defect is reported by the QA team, then the concerned team fixes the defect. After this, the QA team should determine the impact of the change which is brought by this defect fix. They need to test not only if the change has fixed the defect, but also if the change is compatible with the whole project. For this purpose, we use software quality metrics that allow managers and developers to observe the activities and proposed changes from the beginning till the end of SDLC and initiate corrective action wherever required.
#9) Performing SQA Audits: The SQA audit inspects the entire actual SDLC process followed by comparing it against the established process. It also checks whether whatever was reported by the team in the status reports was actually performed or not. This activity also exposes any non-compliance issues.
#10) Maintaining Records and Reports: It is crucial to keep the necessary documentation related to SQA and share the required SQA information with the stakeholders. The test results, audit results, review reports, change requests documentation, etc. should be kept for future reference.
#11) Manage Good Relations: In fact, it is very important to maintain harmony between the QA and the development team. We often hear that testers and developers often feel superior to each other. This should be avoided as it can affect the overall project quality.

Слайд 11

Software Quality Assurance Standards

SO 9000: This standard is based on seven quality management

Software Quality Assurance Standards SO 9000: This standard is based on seven
principles which help the organizations to ensure that their products or services are aligned with the customer needs.
7 principles of ISO 9000 are depicted in the below image:

Слайд 12

CMMI level: CMMI stands for Capability maturity model Integration. This model originated in software

CMMI level: CMMI stands for Capability maturity model Integration. This model originated
engineering. It can be employed to direct process improvement throughout a project, department, or entire organization.
5 CMMI levels and their characteristics are described in the below image:

Software Quality Assurance Standards

Слайд 13

Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi): Based on CMMi, this model focuses on maturity

Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi): Based on CMMi, this model focuses on
levels in software quality management and testing.
5 TMMi levels are depicted in the below image:

Software Quality Assurance Standards

Слайд 14

Elements of Software Quality Assurance

There are 10 essential elements of SQA which

Elements of Software Quality Assurance There are 10 essential elements of SQA
are enlisted below for your reference:
Software engineering Standards
Technical reviews and audits
Software Testing for quality control
Error collection and analysis
Change management
Educational programs
Vendor management
Security management
Risk management

Слайд 15

Software Testing Types

Software Testing Types

Слайд 16

Functional and Non-Functional testing

Functional and Non-Functional testing

Слайд 17

Non-Functional testing

 This testing is defined as a type of Software testing to

Non-Functional testing This testing is defined as a type of Software testing
check non-functional aspects (performance, usability, reliability, etc) of a software application. It is designed to test the readiness of a system as per nonfunctional parameters which are never addressed by functional testing.

Слайд 18

Non-Functional testing

Non-Functional testing

Слайд 19

Functional Testing

It is a type of software testing that validates the software

Functional Testing It is a type of software testing that validates the
system against the functional requirements/specifications. The purpose of Functional tests is to test each function of the software application, by providing appropriate input, verifying the output against the Functional requirements.
Functional testing mainly involves black box testing and it is not concerned about the source code of the application. This testing checks User Interface, APIs, Database, Security, Client/Server communication and other functionality of the Application Under Test. The testing can be done either manually or using automation.

Слайд 20

Functional Vs Non-Functional Testing

Functional Vs Non-Functional Testing

Слайд 21

Testing Types









Tested Subsystem















All tests

Testing Types Tested Subsystem Subsystem Code Functional Integration Unit Tested Subsystem Requirements
by developer



Слайд 22


Testing Types continued

User’s understanding

Tests by developer



of Requirements







System in





Tests (?) by

Global Requirements Testing Types continued User’s understanding Tests by developer Performance Acceptance

Tests by client

Слайд 23

Levels of Testing in V Model






code &






Level of abstraction

analyze and design

test and

Levels of Testing in V Model system requirements system integration software requirements

N.B.: component test vs. unit test; acceptance test vs. system integration

Слайд 24

Types of Testing

Unit Testing:
Individual subsystem
Carried out by developers
Goal: Confirm that subsystems is

Types of Testing Unit Testing: Individual subsystem Carried out by developers Goal:
correctly coded and carries out the intended functionality
Integration Testing:
Groups of subsystems (collection of classes) and eventually the entire system
Carried out by developers
Goal: Test the interface among the subsystem

Слайд 25

Types of Testing

System Testing:
The entire system
Carried out by developers
Goal: Determine if the

Types of Testing System Testing: The entire system Carried out by developers
system meets the requirements (functional and global)
Acceptance Testing:
Evaluates the system delivered by developers
Carried out by the client. May involve executing typical transactions on site on a trial basis
Goal: Demonstrate that the system meets customer requirements and is ready to use

2 kinds of Acceptance testing

Слайд 26

Unit Testing

Incremental coding
Static Analysis:
Hand execution: Reading the source code
Walk-Through (informal presentation

Unit Testing Informal: Incremental coding Static Analysis: Hand execution: Reading the source
to others)
Code Inspection (formal presentation to others)
Automated Tools checking for
syntactic and semantic errors
departure from coding standards
Dynamic Analysis:
Black-box testing (Test the input/output behavior)
White-box testing (Test the internal logic of the subsystem or object)
Data-structure based testing (Data types determine test cases)

Which is more effective, static or dynamic analysis?

Write a little, test a little

Слайд 27

Black-Box vs. White-Box Testing

Black-Box vs. White-Box Testing

Слайд 28

Black-box Testing

Focus: I/O behavior. If for any given input, we

Black-box Testing Focus: I/O behavior. If for any given input, we can
can predict the output, then the module passes the test.
Almost always impossible to generate all possible inputs ("test cases")
Goal: Reduce number of test cases by equivalence partitioning:
Divide input conditions into equivalence classes
Choose test cases for each equivalence class. (Example: If an object is supposed to accept a negative number, testing one negative number is enough)

If x = 3 then …

What would be the equivalence classes?

If x > -5 and x < 5 then …


Слайд 29

Black-box Testing (Continued)

Selection of equivalence classes (No rules, only guidelines):
Input is valid

Black-box Testing (Continued) Selection of equivalence classes (No rules, only guidelines): Input
across range of values. Select test cases from 3 equivalence classes:
Below the range
Within the range
Above the range
Input is valid if it is from a discrete set. Select test cases from 2 equivalence classes:
Valid discrete value
Invalid discrete value
Another solution to select only a limited amount of test cases:
Get knowledge about the inner workings of the unit being tested => white-box testing

Are these complete?

Слайд 30

White-box Testing

Focus: Thoroughness (Coverage). Every statement in the component is executed at

White-box Testing Focus: Thoroughness (Coverage). Every statement in the component is executed
least once.
Four types of white-box testing
Statement Testing
Loop Testing
Path Testing
Branch Testing

Слайд 31

White-box Testing (Continued)

Statement Testing (Algebraic Testing): Test single statements
Loop Testing:
Cause execution of

White-box Testing (Continued) Statement Testing (Algebraic Testing): Test single statements Loop Testing:
the loop to be skipped completely. (Exception: Repeat loops)
Loop to be executed exactly once
Loop to be executed more than once
Path testing:
Make sure all paths in the program are executed
Branch Testing (Conditional Testing): Make sure that each possible outcome from a condition is tested at least once

Слайд 32

White-Box Testing: Loop Testing







White-Box Testing: Loop Testing Nested Loops Concatenated Loops Unstructured Loops Simple loop [Pressman]

Слайд 33

/*Read in and sum the scores*/

White-box Testing Example

FindMean(float Mean, FILE ScoreFile)


/*Read in and sum the scores*/ White-box Testing Example FindMean(float Mean, FILE
SumOfScores = 0.0; NumberOfScores = 0; Mean = 0;


eFile, Score);

while (! EOF(ScoreFile) {

if ( Score > 0.0 ) {

SumOfScores = SumOfScores + Score;



Read(ScoreFile, Score);


/* Compute the mean and print the result */

if (NumberOfScores > 0 ) {

Mean = SumOfScores/NumberOfScores;

printf("The mean score is %f \n", Mean);

} else

printf("No scores found in file\n");


Слайд 34

White-box Testing Example: Determining the Paths

FindMean (FILE ScoreFile)
{ float SumOfScores = 0.0;

White-box Testing Example: Determining the Paths FindMean (FILE ScoreFile) { float SumOfScores

int NumberOfScores = 0;
float Mean=0.0; float Score;
Read(ScoreFile, Score);
while (! EOF(ScoreFile) {
if (Score > 0.0 ) {
SumOfScores = SumOfScores + Score;
Read(ScoreFile, Score);
/* Compute the mean and print the result */
if (NumberOfScores > 0) {
Mean = SumOfScores / NumberOfScores;
printf(“ The mean score is %f\n”, Mean);
} else
printf (“No scores found in file\n”);

Слайд 35

Constructing the Logic Flow Diagram

Constructing the Logic Flow Diagram

Слайд 36

Finding the Test Cases























a (Covered by any data)

(Data set must

(Data set

Finding the Test Cases Start 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
must contain at least

one value)

be empty)

(Total score > 0.0)

(Total score < 0.0)

(Positive score)

(Negative score)

(Reached if either f or

e is reached)

Слайд 37

Comparison of White & Black-box Testing

White-box Testing:
Potentially infinite number of paths have

Comparison of White & Black-box Testing White-box Testing: Potentially infinite number of
to be tested
White-box testing often tests what is done, instead of what should be done
Cannot detect missing use cases
Black-box Testing:
Potential combinatorical explosion of test cases (valid & invalid data)
Often not clear whether the selected test cases uncover a particular error
Does not discover extraneous use cases ("features")

Both types of testing are needed
White-box testing and black box testing are the extreme ends of a testing continuum.
Any choice of test case lies in between and depends on the following:
Number of possible logical paths
Nature of input data
Amount of computation
Complexity of algorithms and data structures

Слайд 38

Sanity vs. Smoke Testing

Sanity vs. Smoke Testing

Слайд 40

What is a Software Build?

If you are developing a simple computer program

What is a Software Build? If you are developing a simple computer
which consists of only one source code file, you merely need to compile and link this one file, to produce an executable file. This process is very simple. Usually, this is not the case. A typical Software Project consists of hundreds or even thousands of source code files. Creating an executable program from these source files is a complicated and time-consuming task.
You need to use “build” software to create an executable program and the process is called ” Software Build”

Слайд 41

Smoke Testing

Smoke Testing is a software testing technique performed post software build to

Smoke Testing Smoke Testing is a software testing technique performed post software
verify that the critical functionalities of software are working fine. It is executed before any detailed functional or regression tests are executed. The main purpose of smoke testing is to reject a software application with defects so that QA team does not waste time testing broken software application.
In smoke testing, the test cases chose to cover the most important functionality or component of the system. The objective is not to perform exhaustive testing, but to verify that the critical functionalities of the system are working fine. For Example, a typical smoke test would be – Verify that the application launches successfully, Check that the GUI is responsive … etc.

Слайд 42

Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is a kind of Software Testing performed after

Sanity Testing Sanity testing is a kind of Software Testing performed after
receiving a software build, with minor changes in code, or functionality, to ascertain that the bugs have been fixed and no further issues are introduced due to these changes. The goal is to determine that the proposed functionality works roughly as expected. If sanity test fails, the build is rejected to save the time and costs involved in a more rigorous testing.
The objective is “not” to verify thoroughly the new functionality but to determine that the developer has applied some rationality (sanity) while producing the software. For instance, if your scientific calculator gives the result of 2 + 2 =5! Then, there is no point testing the advanced functionalities like sin 30 + cos 50.

Слайд 43


Smoke Testing has a goal to verify “stability” whereas Sanity Testing

KEY DIFFERENCE Smoke Testing has a goal to verify “stability” whereas Sanity
has a goal to verify “rationality”.
Smoke Testing is done by both developers or testers whereas Sanity Testing is done by testers.
Smoke Testing verifies the critical functionalities of the system whereas Sanity Testing verifies the new functionality like bug fixes.
Smoke testing is a subset of acceptance testing whereas Sanity testing is a subset of Regression Testing.
Smoke testing is documented or scripted whereas Sanity testing isn’t.
Smoke testing verifies the entire system from end to end whereas Sanity Testing verifies only a particular component.

Слайд 45

Points to note

Both Sanity and Smoke testing are ways to avoid wasting

Points to note Both Sanity and Smoke testing are ways to avoid
time and effort by quickly determining whether an application is too flawed to merit any rigorous testing. 
Smoke Testing is also called tester acceptance testing.
Smoke testing performed on a particular build is also known as a build verification test.
One of the best industry practice is to conduct a Daily build and smoke test in software projects.
Both smoke and sanity tests can be executed manually or using an automation tool.  When automated tools are used, the tests are often initiated by the same process that generates the build itself.
As per the needs of testing, you may have to execute both Sanity and Smoke Tests in the software build. In such cases, you will first execute Smoke tests and then go ahead with Sanity Testing. In industry, test cases for Sanity Testing are commonly combined with that for smoke tests, to speed up test execution. Hence, it’s a common that the terms are often confused and used interchangeably

Слайд 46

What is Regression Testing? 

Regression Testing is defined as a type of software testing

What is Regression Testing? Regression Testing is defined as a type of
to confirm that a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing features. Regression Testing is nothing but a full or partial selection of already executed test cases which are re-executed to ensure existing functionalities work fine.
This testing is done to make sure that new code changes should not have side effects on the existing functionalities. It ensures that the old code still works once the latest code changes are done.

Слайд 47

Regression Testing

Regression Testing

Слайд 48

Selecting test cases for regression testing

Test cases which have frequent defects
Functionalities which

Selecting test cases for regression testing Test cases which have frequent defects
are more visible to the users
Test cases which verify core features of the product
Test cases of Functionalities which has undergone more and recent changes
All Integration Test Cases
All Complex Test Cases
Boundary value test cases
A sample of Successful test cases
A sample of Failure test cases

Слайд 49

Difference between Re-Testing and Regression Testing

Retesting is a process to check specific test

Difference between Re-Testing and Regression Testing Retesting is a process to check
cases that are found with bug/s in the final execution. Generally, testers find these bugs while testing the software application and assign it to the developers to fix it. Then the developers fix the bug/s and assign it back to the testers for verification
Regression testing is performed for passed test cases while Retesting is done only for failed test cases.
Regression testing checks for unexpected side-effects while Re-testing makes sure that the original fault has been corrected.
Regression Testing doesn’t include defect verification whereas Re-testing includes defect verification.
Regression testing is known as generic testing whereas Re-testing is planned testing.
Regression Testing is possible with the use of automation whereas Re-testing is not possible with automation.

Слайд 51

Bug definition

A bug is the consequence/outcome of a coding fault.
A Defect in Software

Bug definition A bug is the consequence/outcome of a coding fault. A
Testing is a variation or deviation of the software application from end user’s requirements or original business requirements. A software defect is an error in coding which causes incorrect or unexpected results from a software program which does not meet actual requirements. Testers might come across such defects while executing the test cases.
These two terms have very thin line of difference, In the Industry both are faults that need to be fixed and so interchangeably used by some of the testing teams.
When testers execute the test cases, they might come across such test results which are contradictory to expected results. This variation in test results is referred to as a Software Defect. These defects or variations are referred by different names in different organizations like issues, problems, bugs or incidents.

Слайд 52

Tester finds the defect
Status assigned to defect- New
A defect is forwarded to

Tester finds the defect Status assigned to defect- New A defect is
Project Manager for analyze
Project Manager decides whether a defect is valid
Here the defect is not valid- a status is given “Rejected.”
So, project manager assigns a status rejected. If the defect is not rejected then the next step is to check whether it is in scope. Suppose we have another function- email functionality for the same application, and you find a problem with that. But it is not a part of the current release when such defects are assigned as a postponed or deferred status.
Next, the manager verifies whether a similar defect was raised earlier. If yes defect is assigned a status duplicate.
If no the defect is assigned to the developer who starts fixing the code. During this stage, the defect is assigned a status in- progress.
Once the code is fixed. A defect is assigned a status fixed
Next, the tester will re-test the code. In case, the  Test case passes the defect is closed. If the test cases fail again, the defect is re-opened and assigned to the developer.
Consider a situation where during the 1st release of Flight Reservation a defect was found in Fax order that was fixed and assigned a status closed. During the second upgrade release the same defect again re-surfaced. In such cases, a closed defect will be re-opened.

Defect/Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing

Слайд 53

Test Documentation: a Bug Report

Defect_ID – Unique identification number for the defect.
Defect Description –

Test Documentation: a Bug Report Defect_ID – Unique identification number for the
Detailed description of the Defect including information about the module in which Defect was found.
Version – Version of the application in which defect was found.
Steps – Detailed steps along with screenshots with which the developer can reproduce the defects.
Date Raised – Date when the defect is raised
Reference– where in you Provide reference to the documents like . requirements, design, architecture or maybe even screenshots of the error to help understand the defect
Detected By – Name/ID of the tester who raised the defect
Status – Status of the defect , more on this later
Fixed by – Name/ID of the developer who fixed it
Date Closed – Date when the defect is closed
Severity which describes the impact of the defect on the application
Priority which is related to defect fixing urgency. Severity Priority could be High/Medium/Low based on the impact urgency at which the defect should be fixed respectively

Слайд 54

Test Planning

A Test Plan:
covers all types and phases of testing
guides the entire

Test Planning A Test Plan: covers all types and phases of testing
testing process
who, why, when, what
developed as requirements, functional specification, and high-level design are developed
should be done before implementation starts

A test plan includes:
test objectives
schedule and logistics
test strategies
test cases
expected result
procedures for handling problems

Слайд 55


Reliability: The measure of success with which the observed behavior of a

Terminology Reliability: The measure of success with which the observed behavior of
system confirms to some specification of its behavior.
Failure: Any deviation of the observed behavior from the specified behavior.
Error: The system is in a state such that further processing by the system will lead to a failure
Fault (Bug): The mechanical or algorithmic cause of an error.

Слайд 56

Examples of Faults and Errors

Faults in the Interface specification
Mismatch between what the

Examples of Faults and Errors Faults in the Interface specification Mismatch between
client needs and what the server offers
Mismatch between requirements and implementation
Algorithmic Faults
Missing initialization
Branching errors (too soon, too late)
Missing test for nil

Mechanical Faults (very hard to find)
Documentation does not match actual conditions or operating procedures
Stress or overload errors
Capacity or boundary errors
Timing errors
Throughput or performance errors

Слайд 57

Who Tests the Software?


independent tester

Understands the system

but, will test "gently"

and, is

Who Tests the Software? developer independent tester Understands the system but, will
driven by "delivery"

Must learn about the system,

but, will attempt to break it

and, is driven by quality

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