WebSocket is a computer communication protocol (over TCP) that allows a persistent

bi-directional network connection between a client (browser) and a server to be opened in real time
Unlike HTTP, in the WebSocket protocol, the browser does not need to constantly ask the server if there are new messages. It is enough to connect once to the server and wait for the server to send the message itself
Examples of tasks where you should consider using WebSocket:
real time applications
online games
IoT applications
trading platforms
To start working with WebSocket, you need to create an object of

type WebSocket, the parameter of which specifies the URL. URL string must begin with ws:// (no encryption) or wss:// (encrypted)
The interaction between client and server is based on an event system and message transmission:
to send data to the server, the send(data) method is used, the parameters of which are the data to be sent
the close() method is used to close the connection
to receive data, the "message" event is used, into the handler of which an object of the MessageEvent type will be passed, the data property of which contains the transferred data
the "error" event is used to handle errors
after the connection is established, the "open" event is generated
after the connection is closed, the "close" event is generated
To demonstrate how WebSocket works, we will use the websocket.org site, which

provides the simplest WebSocket server (wss://echo.websocket.org), it just returns the messages it receives
Let's create the following files:
index.js – main script file
index.html – Web page, only needed to include index.js
index.js file:
const s = new WebSocket("wss://echo.websocket.org");
s.addEventListener("open", (e) => {
s.send("Hello WebSocket!");

console.log("client -> server: Hello WebSocket!");
s.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
console.log("client <- server:", e.data);
s.addEventListener("close", (e) => {
setTimeout(() => {
s.send("Hello World!");
console.log("client -> server:

Hello World!");
}, 1000);
setTimeout(() => s.close(), 2000);
We create an object of type WebSocket. Add a handler to the

open event so that after the connection is established, immediately send a message to the server. Add a handler to the message event to receive messages from the server. Add a handler for the close event. With a slight delay, we send another message to the server and close the connection
After running the code, the browser console will display the following output:
client -> server: Hello WebSocket!
client <- server: Hello WebSocket!
client -> server: Hello World!
client <- server: Hello World!