Слайд 5First American soldier lands in France

Слайд 6The Great Depression in USA (1929-1933)

Слайд 7Some reasons of crisis
The struggle of business for freedom in the market

of collective psychology that lead to the fact that people begin to move out their investments from the production industry one by one, succumbing to rumors and panic;
The crisis in the investment market related to fraud on the stock exchange;
The credit expansion of 1921-29, which caused a rapid growth of the money supply in the country and inflation.
Слайд 9War veterans are looking for job

Слайд 12Consequences
7-12 millions people have died from hunger, disease and cold
The level of

industrial production has fallen
Small and medium-sized businesses have almost completely disappeared
The market went into decline
The number of radical parties ( left and right) has grown
The number of finances in the economy has decreased, and investors have almost completely disappeared from the market
Слайд 14Reason of war (timeline of actions)
Japan established a protectorate over Indochina.

criticized its position and imposed economic sanctions.
Japan declared war to USA. And attacked it. (7th October of 1941). This is year of USA entry the war.
11th December of 1941 Italy and Germany declared the war to USA
Слайд 17Consequences
418 thousand Americans died;
Deterioration of relationship with USSR
Powerful military industry was

Economic superiority
Слайд 18Confrontation between capitalist and socialist systems

Слайд 19War in Korea (1950-1953)
During all that time USA strived to prevent

spread of communism. Communism block tried to conquer south Korea but US prevented it. There was war. Head of north Korea decided to spread power over all Korea. South Korea had support of America and some Europe countries. North Korea had support of USSR and China. Capitalist block won this war, South Korea and North Korea kept independence.
Слайд 20Trouble in Cuba (1962)
The political confrontation between the capitalist and socialist systems

and US nuclear increasing
the policy of nationalization pursued by the revolutionary government in Cuba
the danger of another American invasion of Cuba in November 1961.
Слайд 21There was a socialist revolution. Fidel Castro was a leader of this

revolution. He nationalized land and businesses that had been owned by American entrepreneurs. The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Cuba. But US wanted to bring a loyal government to power. So there was conflict which could lead to nuclear war. Finally Soviet and US left Cuba.
Слайд 23After Second World War Vietnam was separated into 2 parts: North Vietnam

(Communist block) and South Vietnam (Capitalist block). North Vietnam had support of USSR, South one had support of America. During the war were killed a lot of civilians. In 1973 Paris peace agreement was conclude. American army left Vietnam. So in 1975 South Vietnam lost a war without American support.
Слайд 25United States is in the leading positions in the economic, technical, and

military spheres. Nowdays, the United States practically dictates the direction of foreign policy to the world community. The United States is the leader of the international community and has a decisive influence on the development of the entire international and military-political situation