Слайд 2Overview
Rationale of the research
Aim & objectives of the research
Research subject & object
Theoretical background
Слайд 3Rationale of the research
The standard of living of the population depends on
their earnings. For the majority of people, wages are the main source of income. Issues related to wages, including their size, method of accrual and form of payment, deductions from wages and others, are among the most relevant for both employees and employers. Wages are one of the key items in the costs of the enterprise, analysis and optimization, which will reduce the costs of the organization.
Слайд 4Aim & objectives of the research
Aim: Generalization of theoretical provisions and consideration
of payroll accounting issues on the example of JSC PO Sever.
- to reveal the economic essence of wage accounting;
- to determine the organizational and economic characteristics of JSC Po "North";
- to describe the current state of wage accounting;
- to analyze the labor force of JSC PO Sever
- to offer measures to improve accounting in JSC PO Sever
Слайд 5Research subject & object
The object of the study is the salary in
JSC PO Sever
The subject of the study is the payroll accounting system
Слайд 7Theoretical background
Adam Smith 05.06.1723 – 17.07.1970
David Ricardo 18.04.19772 – 11.09.1983
Слайд 8Theoretical background
Karl Heinrich Marx 05.05 1818 – 14.03.1883
Слайд 9References
Bychkova S., Badmaeva D., Buhgalterskij uchet i analiz: uchebnoe posobie. Standart tret'ego
pokoleniya. – SPB.: Piter, 2016. 512 s.
Mislavskaya N. A., Polenova S. N. Buhgalterskij uchet: uchebnik. M.: Izdatel'sko-torgovaya korporaciya «Dashkov i K», 2017. 592 s.
Safonova M. F., Yasmenko G. N. i dr.; Buhgalterskij uchet i audit: Uchebnoe posobie / YU. pod redakciej YU. I. Sigidova i G. N. YAsmenko. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 407 s.