Слайд 2Preconditions: Middle Ages (400 to 1500 )
The dominant role of the Catholic

Church and its dogma
Subsistence agriculture -> Internal Exchange/Sharing
Poorly centralized power of King as the Overlord
Slow pace of technological development
The prohibition of charging “interest”
Слайд 3Reformation or Renaissance
Church split: the emergence Protestantism
Centralization of power
Development of Technologies

and Sciences -> The Great geographic discoveries
New religious standards -> Controlled “interest”
Слайд 4Loan at interest: long history
“The doctrine of fair price”

Thomas Aquinas
(Aquinas) (1225-1274)
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
and John Calvin (1509-1564)
Слайд 5From Peasants to Burgess
The appearance of manufactories and craft associations
Development of trade

relations on all levels of supply chain
Development of shipbuilding: rebirth of caravel
Слайд 7The Great Geographic Discoveries

Слайд 9The new perception of the world