«Вот моя деревня, вот мой край родной…»


Слайд 2

Hello! My name is Elena. I am the pupil of the 10-th

Hello! My name is Elena. I am the pupil of the 10-th
form. I live in the village Beloyarskiy.

Слайд 3

The village of Beloyarskiy is my home place. I live in it

The village of Beloyarskiy is my home place. I live in it
and love it greatly.
Why do I love my native village? This question is simple and difficult at the same time.
I’ll try to answer it and express my point of view.

Слайд 4

I would like to tell about:
The history of the village
Famous people

I would like to tell about: The history of the village Nationalities
about my village

Слайд 5

Every person has a place where he was born, where he lives

Every person has a place where he was born, where he lives
and works. It is our native place, our motherland. Beloyarskiy is the village where I was born. The dearest people to me, my parents, my friends live here.

Слайд 6

The history of my village began in 1932.
The first name of the

The history of my village began in 1932. The first name of
village was Mochalovka. The life in those years was very difficult and poor.

Слайд 9

Founded in 1932, Beloyarskiy at present has a population of 1246 people. People

Founded in 1932, Beloyarskiy at present has a population of 1246 people.
of about 15 nationalities live and work in our village: Russians and Ukrainians, Germans and Tatars, and many others.

Слайд 11

Famous people There are many interesting and famous people in our village: Veterans of

Famous people There are many interesting and famous people in our village:
the Great Patriotic War, excellent workers, talanted children.

Слайд 15

Our Traditions

The villagers like to work and they like to rest interesting

Our Traditions The villagers like to work and they like to rest
too. Every year we celebrate New Year, Maslenitsa, Mother’s Day, Victory Day.

Слайд 19


There are a lot of interesting places to visit in our

Sightseeings There are a lot of interesting places to visit in our
The monument to soldiers in the Great Patriotic War
Our school
Our park

Слайд 20

Monument to the soldiers in the Great Patriotic War

The Great Patriotic War

Monument to the soldiers in the Great Patriotic War The Great Patriotic
was a dramatic page in the history of mankind, my country and my village.
Many people of my village took part in it. They were awarded orders and medals.
By tradition we come to the memorial to commemorate the heroism of our people during the Great Patriotic War .

Слайд 22

My school
My school was built 50 years ago.
It is quite big with

My school My school was built 50 years ago. It is quite
sport ground
behind it.
Our school has many classrooms,
which are light and

Слайд 23

Our school was built in 1961

Our school was built in 1961

Слайд 24

But when I think about my school I don’t think about its

But when I think about my school I don’t think about its
walls and desks; it is my teaches and classmates who will be always with me.

Слайд 25


There is one more important aspect that I

THE NATURE AND MY VILLAGE There is one more important aspect that
love my village. I mean our marvelous nature. It’s majestic with varied landscapes: the river Medveditsa, the forests surrounding the village, fields and meadows.
How beautiful our glorious sunrises and golsen sunsets are!

Слайд 32

Rhymes about my village

There are many rhymes about the nature, the people

Rhymes about my village There are many rhymes about the nature, the
of my village. The authors say how they love theirs home place, how they respect people for their everyday work.

Слайд 33

Т.П. Зайцева «Мой посёлок Белоярский» Т. Антонова, ученица

Т.П. Зайцева «Мой посёлок Белоярский» Т. Антонова, ученица 8 класса. «Родная сторона»
8 класса. «Родная сторона»
Посёлок Белорский А вот и мой посёлок,
Любимый, дорогой Вот и дом родной.
Куда бы не уехал, Здесь все вокруг живое:
А хочется домой. И речка подо льдом. Родная школа рядом Здесь все вокруг красиво:
И ребятишки в ней. Природа, тишина.
Объездишь всю Россию: О, как мила мне эта
Не встретишь их милей. Родная сторона!
Поля, пруды – все близко, Здесь каждый кустик мил мне,
И трепетно душе, И небо, и солнца свет.
И дерева, что низко Мне кажется, что лучше
Склоняются к земле. Деревни нигде нет.
Полей незримых оком Ну где еще ты встретишь
Колосьев налитых, Такую красоту?
Что славят труд народа Родник, поля, посадки,
И рук их золотых. Природу, тишину.
Ферма на пригорке, Слушаю птиц пенье,
На долгие года. И трели соловья.
И молока всех больше О, как же ты прекрасна
В районе как всегда. Родная сторона!
Все трудности и беды
С тобой переживем.
Для многих поколений
Нелегкий труд несем.
Живи совхоз и крепни,
А Бог здоровья дай.
И молодым, и старым
А ты лишь процветай.
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