Слайд 2Plan:
Important facts
Professional activity
The greatest work
Private life
Influence on mankind

Слайд 3Important facts
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow on May 26, 1799

(Old Style).
In 1811 he was selected to be among the thirty students in the first class at the Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo.
Pushkin was married to Natalia Goncharova on February 18, 1831, in Moscow.
A duel with d'Anthes took place on January 27, 1837. Pushkin died two days later, on January 29.
Слайд 4Professional activity
After graduating from the Lyceum, he was given a sinecure in

the Collegium of Foreign Affairs in Petersburg. But he used to be received in literary circles; in circles of Guard-style lovers of wine, women, and song; and in groups where political liberals debated reforms and constitutions.
Слайд 5Achievements
Pushkin wrote a lot of poems and other works such as “Ruslan

and Liudmila”, “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “The Blackamoor of Peter the Great ”, “Boris Godunov”, “The Tales of Belkin”; "The Little House in Kolomna;" his little tragedies, "The Avaricious Knight," "Mozart and Salieri;" "The Stone Guest;" and "Feast in the Time of the Plague;" "The Tale of the Priest and His Workman Balda".
Слайд 6The greatest work
In my opinion, novel in verse, Eugene Onegin (1823-1831) is

the best Pushkin’s achievement.
Also I should add that Pushkin was a Decembrist and his work in this area is really amusing. What’s about the fact that Nicholas I was the personal censor of Pushkin’s works?!
Слайд 7Private life
Pushkin was married to Natalia Goncharova on February 18, 1831, in

Moscow. Mme. Pushkina's beauty immediately made a sensation in society, and her admirers included the Tsar himself.
In 1834 Mme. Pushkina met a handsome French royalist, who was adopted by the Dutch ambassador, Heeckeren. Young d'Anthes-Heeckeren pursued Mme. Pushkina for two years, and finally so openly and unabashedly that by autumn 1836, it was becoming a scandal.
A duel with d'Anthes took place on January 27, 1837. D'Anthes fired first, and Pushkin was mortally wounded; after he fell, he summoned the strength to fire his shot and to wound, slightly, his adversary.
Слайд 8Influence on mankind
It has been left for later generations of Russians to

appreciate Pushkin's true worth. It is significant that he was practically the only writer of pre-Revolutionary Russia who escaped the general condemnation of the Bolsheviks of everything that smacked of aristocratic culture.