
Слайд 2

Артикли - определители имен существительных.
Не несут на себе ударения.
Перед согласной

Артикли - определители имен существительных. Не несут на себе ударения. Перед согласной
- а
Перед гласной - an
Классифицирующее значение - название предмета вообще (какой-то)
the [i] - имеет индивидуализирующее значение

Значение артикля

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 3

Сводная таблица

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Сводная таблица Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 4

Один из ряда однотипных представителей класса
When I write, I always use

Один из ряда однотипных представителей класса When I write, I always use
/a pen/pens.
2. Когда существительное обозначает кем или чем является предмет и служит в предложении
а) именной частью составного сказуемого.
I'm a student.
b) приложением
My friend, a student of our class, …
с) классифицирующим определением
A letter written in pencil is difficult to read.
d) описательным определением
I have a clock, which is 100 years old.
3. Когда имеется ввиду всякий/любой представитель класса
A child can understand it.

Неопределенный артикль

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 5

4. Лицо или предмет упоминаемый впервые (неизвестный собеседнику)
I bought a book

4. Лицо или предмет упоминаемый впервые (неизвестный собеседнику) I bought a book
5. В значении один:
in an hour, to say a word, a pound of sugar, a hundred roubles
6. В восклицательных предложениях после what (что за/какой)
What a smart boy!
7. Перед порядковым числительным в значении другой/еще один
А third man entered the room.
8. Разновидность качества или чувств (в значении such/a kind of)
She showed a patience that I had never expected of her.
9. В ряде сочетаний и выражений
a great deal of,
for a long time,
all of a sudden,
to be in a hurry,
to have a look

Неопределенный артикль

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 6

Когда существительное имеет при себе определение, служащее для выделения его из ряда

Когда существительное имеет при себе определение, служащее для выделения его из ряда
однотипных предложений.
It's the telegram I received yesterday.
2. Когда из ситуации ясно
Where is the key?
3. Повторно упомянутый предмет или лицо
I bought a book yesterday. The book is interesting.
4. Единственный в своем роде
The earth is millions of km-s from the sun.
5. Все предметы данного класса
Give me a list of the students.

Определенный артикль

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 7

6. Весь род в целом через название одного предмета
The pine grows

6. Весь род в целом через название одного предмета The pine grows
in northern countries.
7. Перед именами прилагательными и причастиями, превратившимися в существительные со значением множественного числа.
The poor in NY live in slums.
8. С вещественными существительными
Pass me the bread, please.
9. С именами существительными собственными - фамилии во множественном числе
The Browns have left for London.
10. В ряде сочетаний и выражений
in the morning/in the country/to play the piano/to tell the truth/to go to the theatre

Определенный артикль

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 8

1. если есть другой определитель
My room/this book/some matches
2. должность, звание, единственный

1. если есть другой определитель My room/this book/some matches 2. должность, звание,
в данной обстановке или после глаголов to elect, to appoint, to make
He is chief of this expedition. He was elected president.
3. перед исчисляемыми существительными во мн. ч. предметы данного класса
They packed the goods in bags.
- именная часть сказуемого или приложение
They are students.
- любые представители класса
Children like it.
- после what, such, quite, rather (перед сущ. мн.ч)
What fine books.

Отсутствие артикля

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 9

4. перед неисчисляемыми существительными (в общем смысле)
Knowledge is power.
5. имена собственные

4. перед неисчисляемыми существительными (в общем смысле) Knowledge is power. 5. имена
(Tom, Brown, Moscow, Fleet Street, May, Sunday), форма обращения:
Professor B; Doctor B; captain! porter!
6. в сочетаниях и выражениях:
at night, at home, at work, at dinner,
by sea, by name, by heart,
to go to school, in time, to take part, to shake hands,
to lose sight

Отсутствие артикля

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 10

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Take ... little tea; it will do

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Take ... little tea; it will do
you ... lot of good.
2. Out of ... sight, out of ... mind.
3. I like ... lot of ... sugar in my tea.
4. ... supper is ... last meal of ... day.
5. We were served with ... bread and ... butter,... cup of coffee for each of us, and ... jug of ... cream.
6. This is ... answer to ... problem ... teacher gave us.
7. There won't be another train for at least... hour.
8. We had ... dinner together at... good restaurant... yesterday.
9. ... Danube, ... Volga and ... Thames are three important rivers.

Exercise 1

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 11

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Не came to see me ... last week

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Не came to see me ... last
and brought... English handbook with him.
2. ... good dictionary is ... great help to ... students.
3. ... last night I met Tommy; he said he would come here today if ... weather were fine.
4. What is ... matter? Have you had ... accident?
5. He works hard by ... day and sleeps soundly at ... night.
6. ... help came at ... last and ... swimmer was rescued.
7. He works every ... day from ... early morning till late at... night.
8. He went into ... inn and asked for ... bread and ... butter.
9. By ... way, - he said, - where is ... shop you told me about?

Exercise 2

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 12

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
Many years ago ... tea was unknown in ...

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Many years ago ... tea was unknown in
European countries. Many people didn't even know ... word "tea", though drinking ... tea was very popular in ... East.
Once ... young sailor came back from India. He was ... only son of ... old woman and every time he returned to ... Great Britain from ... far-away country he brought his mother ... gift. Of course, he tried to bring her something unusual, that she could show to her friends.
This time he brought her ... box of ... tea. ... old woman didn't know anything about ... tea, but she liked ... smell, and invited all her friends to come and try it.
When her guests arrived, she invited them to ... dining table. ... old woman treated them to ... cakes and ... fruit and ... tealeaves.
When ... sailor entered ... room and saw ... big plate filled with ... tealeaves, he understood everything. He smiled when he saw his mother's friends eating ... tea-leaves with ... butter and ... salt.
They pretended they liked it, but it was clear they didn't enjoy eating ... leaves.
"Where is,... tea. Mother?" ... sailor asked. His mother pointed to ... plate in ... middle of ... table. "No, this is only ... leaves of ... tea," ... sailor said. "Where I water?"
"... water!" his mother said. I threw ... water away, of course."

Exercise 3

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 13

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
Robert Burns, ... great Scottish poet, loved common people

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Robert Burns, ... great Scottish poet, loved common
and wrote for them. Though he had little formal education, he was well-read and talanted. He began to be recognized as ... poet when his first poems were published in 1786. He was known as ... very witty man.
One day when Burns was walking near ... docks, he heard that ... cry for ... help. He ran towards... water. At that moment he saw ... young sailor jump off ... boat that stood near ... dock.... sailor began to swim towards ... man who was calling for ... help. Though it was not easy,... sailor saved ... man.
... man who was saved from drowning was ... very rich merchant. He thanked ... brave sailor and gave him... shilling. ... sailor was embarrassed. ... large crowd of people gathered round them. All ... people considered ... sailor to be ... hero. They were displeased when ... rich man gave ... brave soldier only ... shilling.
Many of ... people shouted loudly and protested against it. But... rich merchant did not pay any attention to them.
At ... moment Robert Burns approached ... crowd and wondered what... matter was. He was told ... whole story.

Exercise 4

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 14

Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
1. I’m looking for ____

Fill in a, an or the where necessary. 1. I’m looking for
2. He must go to ____ bank to get some money.
3. Would you like ____ apple?
4. I’m going away at ____ end of this month.
5. He went to ____ prison to visit his brother.
6. Ann didn’t go to ____ work yesterday.
7. ____ rich should pay more taxes.
8. We called ____ doctor.
9. That’s ____ nice pair of jeans.

Check yourself

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 15




Elena Babina, Gubkin

a the an the the – The the a KEY Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 16

10. The metro is ____ means of transport.
11. Can you hear ____

10. The metro is ____ means of transport. 11. Can you hear
12. Many people are afraid of____ dogs.
13. I’d like to have ____ piano.
14. ____ French are famous for their food.
15. ____ Sweden is in ____ northern Europe.
16. ____ Tower of London is ____ popular tourist attraction.
17. They gave me ____ information about flights.
18. What ____ interesting news!

Check yourself

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 17

10. a
11. –
12. –
13. a
14. The
15. –, –
16. The, a
17. –
18. –



10. a 11. – 12. – 13. a 14. The 15. –,
Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 18

19. ____ Alps extend over 1,000 kilometres.
20. ____ coffee is expensive nowadays.

19. ____ Alps extend over 1,000 kilometres. 20. ____ coffee is expensive
She is very good at ____ painting.
22. ____ Prince lives in ____ palace in ____ London.
23. Newcastle is ____ town in ____ north of____ UK.
24. His favourite newspaper is ____ Guardian.
25. He went on ____ expensive holiday to ____ Bahamas.
26. ____ Statue of Liberty is in ____ New York.
27. ____ Hilton Hotel is situated near ____ River Thames.
28. ____ Tate Gallery is quite far from ____ Science Museum.

Check yourself

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 19

19. The
20. –
21. –
22. The, a, –
23. a, the, the
24. the
25. an,

19. The 20. – 21. – 22. The, a, – 23. a,
26. The, –
27. The, the
28. The, the


Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 20

29. I have ____ appointment at ____ dentist’s because I’ve got ____

29. I have ____ appointment at ____ dentist’s because I’ve got ____
30. We spent ____ last summer on ____ island of Crete.
31. My father owns ____ shop in ____ village where we live.
32. He has ____ sunstroke after spending too much time on ____ beach.
33. We went for ____ walk along ____ coast.
34. ____ tigers are dangerous.
35. Can you give me ____ book over there?
36. “There’s ____ Mr Smith waiting for you,” the secretary said.
37. I like watching ____ TV.
38. Turn off ____ television.
39. What ____ interesting book!

Check yourself

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 21

29. an, the, a
30. –, the
3l. a, the
32. –, the
33. a. the

29. an, the, a 30. –, the 3l. a, the 32. –,

35. the
36. a
37. –
38. the
39. an


Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 22

40. I have English five days ____ week.
41. Could you close ____

40. I have English five days ____ week. 41. Could you close
door, please?
42. I’m sorry. It was ____ mistake.
43. We live in ____ small flat near ____ city centre.
44. There’s ____ small supermarket at ____ end of ____ street I live in.
45. ____ sun is ____ star.
46. ____ moon goes round ____ earth every 27 days.
47. What is ____ highest mountain in ____ world?
48. I don’t usually have ____ lunch but I always eat ____ good breakfast.
49. If you live in ____ foreign country, you should try and learn ____ language.

Check yourself

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 23

40. a
41. the
42. a
43. a, the
44. a, the, the
45. The, a

40. a 41. the 42. a 43. a, the 44. a, the,
The, the
47. the, the
48. –, a
49. a, the


Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 24

50. We were on ____ wrong platform. We were on ____ Platform

50. We were on ____ wrong platform. We were on ____ Platform
51. Every term ____ parents are invited to ____ school to meet ____ teachers.
52. Do many people go to ____ university in your country?
53. This is ____ small town but ____ university is ____ biggest in ____ country.
54. Nora works as ____ cleaner at ____ hospital.
55. My brother has never been to ____ hospital.
56. I like to read in ____ bed before I go to sleep.
57. When do you usually go to ____ bed?
58. It was ____ long voyage. We were at ____ sea for four weeks.
59. I’d like to live near ____ sea.
60. I like ____ people I work with.

Check yourself

Elena Babina, Gubkin

Слайд 25

50. the, –
51. –, the, the
52. –
53. a, the, the, the
54. a,

50. the, – 51. –, the, the 52. – 53. a, the,
55. –
56. –
57. –
58. a, –
59. the
60. the


Elena Babina, Gubkin

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