Assimilation Rules

Слайд 2

Assimilation Rules


Assimilation Rules Definition

Слайд 3

From Latin assimilatio, meaning "to render similar“
A linguistic process by which a

From Latin assimilatio, meaning "to render similar“ A linguistic process by which
sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound.


Слайд 4

Progressive Assimilation

If the phoneme changes to match the preceding phoneme, it

Progressive Assimilation If the phoneme changes to match the preceding phoneme, it is progressive assimilation.
is progressive assimilation.

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Regressive Assimilation

If the phoneme changes to match the following phoneme, it

Regressive Assimilation If the phoneme changes to match the following phoneme, it is regressive assimilation.
is regressive assimilation.

Слайд 6

Reciprocal Assimilation

If there is a mutual influence between the two phonemes,

Reciprocal Assimilation If there is a mutual influence between the two phonemes, it is reciprocal assimilation.
it is reciprocal assimilation.

Слайд 7

Consonant Assimilation

In the case the two phonemes can fuse completely and

Consonant Assimilation In the case the two phonemes can fuse completely and
give a birth to a different one. This is called a coalescence. The result of consonant assimilation is usually a geminate consonant.

Слайд 8

Assimilation Rules


Assimilation Rules Example

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Total Assimilation

“winter” : /t/ ? [n] / [n] __ (meaning that /t/ becomes

Total Assimilation “winter” : /t/ ? [n] / [n] __ (meaning that
[n] in the environment after [n]).
“center” : /t/ ? [n] / [n] __ (/t/ becomes [n] in the environment after [n]).

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Partial Assimilation

“stopped” : /d/ ? [t] / [p] __ (i.e. /d/ becomes [t] in

Partial Assimilation “stopped” : /d/ ? [t] / [p] __ (i.e. /d/
the environment after [p].)
“picked” : /d/ ? [t] / [k] __ (i.e. /d/ becomes [t] in the environment after [k].)

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Progressive (or left-to-right) Assimilation

“dogs” : /s/ ? [z] / [g] __ ( the ending

Progressive (or left-to-right) Assimilation “dogs” : /s/ ? [z] / [g] __
[s] is assimilated to [z] by the influence of the preceding voiced [g].)
“pubs” : /s/ ? [z] / [b] __ ( the ending [s] is assimilated to [z] by the influence of the preceding voiced [b].)

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Regressive, or Anticipatory (or right-to-left) Assimilation

“miss you” : [m'ISE] /s/ ? [S] / __

Regressive, or Anticipatory (or right-to-left) Assimilation “miss you” : [m'ISE] /s/ ?
[ j ] . (the sound [s] in [mIs] is changed to [S] by the assimilation of the following palatal glide [ j ].)

Слайд 13

Double Assimilation

“man” : /A/ ? [A] / [m] __ [n] (The [A] in /mAn/

Double Assimilation “man” : /A/ ? [A] / [m] __ [n] (The
is nasalized by its preceding [m] and its following [n].)

Слайд 14


American English Phonetics 作者:孫淑惠 著 發行所:文鶴出版有限公司

References American English Phonetics 作者:孫淑惠 著 發行所:文鶴出版有限公司 “” “” “”
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