B2_W4_Lesson-2 (2)

Слайд 2


What research sources do you know?

Warm-up What research sources do you know?

Слайд 3

There are different types of research sources

Popular sources (News and Magazines)
Professional/Trade sources
Books / Book

There are different types of research sources Popular sources (News and Magazines)
Conference proceedings (Theses, articles, reports)
Government Documents 
Theses and Dissertations
Scholarly publications (Journals)
This time you need to focus on journal articles ONLY

Слайд 5

What makes research articles (journal articles) different?

What makes research articles (journal articles) different?

Слайд 6

Watch the video and answer the questions below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyzLYwYCrAE

What is the structure

Watch the video and answer the questions below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyzLYwYCrAE What is the
of a journal article?
Why do we need to know about it?
What is given in the abstract?
What is written in the literature review part?
What is “Methods” part for?
Where do we find research findings?

Abstract, Lit.review, Method, Discussions (results),
Conclusion and Future work, References

If we know it, we can save time when
reading articles

A summary and an overview of the article

A review of the previous work done in the field

To explain about data and methodology used to
explore the research question/s

In the Discussion part or Results

Слайд 7

Which parts of a journal article contain these elements from A to

Which parts of a journal article contain these elements from A to

A) Research problems
B) Research questions
C) Methodology
D) Findings

1. Abstract
3.Literature review
5.Discussion (or Results)

Слайд 8

A research problem and research questions

A research problem focuses on:
why the area

A research problem and research questions A research problem focuses on: why
needs to be addressed
why the area is of importance
the reporting framework for the results
what the overall benefit of researching the area will provide

Research questions are generated from problems that require further research.
For example, the research problem area is: climate change and sustainability, analyzing moral dilemmas or wage disparity amongst classes.
The research questions could be:
-"How will climate change policies influence sustainability standards across specific geographies?"
-"What measures can be taken to address wage disparity without increasing inflation?"

The text on the slide is retrieved from https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/research-problem/ in Sept.,2021

Слайд 9

Define your project title ( i.e., choose an IT

READING AND SEARCH STRATEGIES Define your project title ( i.e., choose an
invention that changed the world to better, made people’s lives easier and so on).
Look for relevant papers using key words and phrases;
When choosing papers to read, decide what’s relevant to your interests based on a combination of the title and abstract, sometimes the conclusion;
Skim and scan articles quickly and leave only 3 (B1) or 5(B2) articles to use for the project part II
When you have papers assembled for deep reading feel free to read sections out of order or to focus only on a few sections
Source: https://learningcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/note-taking-template-for-journal-articles/ and https://getasthmahelp.org/documents/FIELDS-GMOJA-Handout-02.pdf 

Слайд 10

Where to find research articles?


Where to find research articles? GoogleScholar.com https://www.tandfonline.com Search.ebscohost.com Sciencedirect.com Apps.webofknowledge.com Scopus.com Hub.sciverse.com

Слайд 11

In-class activity

Choose an IT invention
Use key words to find 3 (for B1)

In-class activity Choose an IT invention Use key words to find 3
and 5 (for B2) articles
Search for articles
Analyze the articles you’ve found
Highlight or take notes on the research problems, methodology and findings of each article (see Lit.review sample.ppt for examples)
Use Project template.ppt on Moodle/Teams to work on your project presentation
Get feedback from your teacher during the lessons
Имя файла: B2_W4_Lesson-2-(2).pptx
Количество просмотров: 23
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