Слайд 214-year-old Winston Churchill
in his school uniform.

Слайд 4Paul McCartney, age 8,
with his father.

Слайд 616 year old Stevie Wonder playing around with 21 year old Muhammad

Слайд 9Tiger Woods, age 14, taking a break from golf to play Zelda.

Слайд 10Arnold Schwarzenegger, age 19, hanging out in Munich for Oktoberfest.

Слайд 11Robin Williams,
an 18 year old senior at Redwood High School.

Слайд 12John Wayne,
looking fine as hell at age 19.

Слайд 13Kurt Cobain's (of Nirvana Band) mugshot when he was 19.
He was

arrested for spray painting "God is gay" onto cars.
Слайд 15Bill Clinton, age 12,
playing his saxophone,

Слайд 16Cher's mugshot when she was 13.
She was arrested
for "borrowing" her

mother's car.
Слайд 18Frank Sinatra, age 10,
looking like a lady-killer.

Слайд 19Ol'd blue eyes got himself into trouble as a 23 year old.

Frank Sinatra was arrested for adultery and seduction, a crime at the time.
Слайд 20Fidel Castro
playing on his high school basketball team.

Слайд 21John Lennon, age 17, with his then-girlfriend and first wife Cynthia.

Слайд 23Barack Obama riding a tricycle at age 4.

Слайд 24The always cool Barack Obama in college,
in the early 80s.

Слайд 267 year old George Clooney would grow up to look exactly like

his dad.
Слайд 30 Brad Pitt and Edward Norton
on the set of Fight Club, 1999

Слайд 31Brad Pitt (holding the ball) in Missouri in 1977.

Слайд 32A young Elvis Presley.
He might be blonde,
already with that

famous lip snarl.
Слайд 34Albert Einstein
before his family moved from Germany to Italy.

Слайд 35Young Osama Bin Laden (on the right) had a black belt in Judo.

Слайд 39Vladimir Putin as a young teenager.

Слайд 43Karol Wojtyla, before he was elected Pope John Paul II, has a

shave in 1960.