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Common torts against the physical person:
Assault – is an intentional act

INTENTIONAL TORTS Common torts against the physical person: Assault – is an
by one person which causes another person to be in immediate apprehension for his/her safety. Apprehension doe not necessarily mean fear.
Battery – is an intentional contact or touching of another person without that person’s permission and without legal justification.. The contact or touching must cause injury.

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3. Technical battery occurs when the person gives consent to physical

INTENTIONAL TORTS 3. Technical battery occurs when the person gives consent to
contact of one sort and then a different kind of contact occurs or the terms of the consent are exceeded.
4. Intentional infliction of mental distress may be defined as an act or the use of words by a person with the intent of causing another person to experience anxiety, fright, terror, or some other form of emotional and mental distress.

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5. False imprisonment – intentional detention of a person without that

INTENTIONAL TORTS 5. False imprisonment – intentional detention of a person without
person’s permission.
6. False arrest is similar to false imprisonment in that it is the intentional detention. But in the case of false arrest the detention is imposed under an asserted legal authority

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Torts against the reputation of the person:
1. Libel and slander. Torts

INTENTIONAL TORTS Torts against the reputation of the person: 1. Libel and
involving intentional defamation of character. Libel is defamation of character which can be read or seen, slander is defamation of character which can be heard. In both cases it must be proven that a defamatory statement or material was published. Truth is a defense to slander or libel.

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2. Invasion of privacy - by the computer, wiretapping for eavesdropping,

INTENTIONAL TORTS 2. Invasion of privacy - by the computer, wiretapping for
television camera, using embarrassing pictures.

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Torts against the person’s property:
Trespass to real property. The owner of

INTENTIONAL TORTS Torts against the person’s property: Trespass to real property. The
real property has the right not only to exclusive possession of a specific piece of ground and the buildings and other things on that ground, but also to exclusive possession of the airspace above the ground and the area below the ground (Common-law system)

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2. Trespass of personal property. This tort allows to owner of

INTENTIONAL TORTS 2. Trespass of personal property. This tort allows to owner
personal property to bring an action against a person or persons who interfere with his/her exclusive possession of an item of personal property.
3. Conversion is the unlawful taking and use of personal property owned by another person. It is the conversion of another’ person’s property to your own use.

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4. Deceit-fraud involves a situation where one or more parties, fraudulently

INTENTIONAL TORTS 4. Deceit-fraud involves a situation where one or more parties,
and with the intent to deceive, misrepresent certain facts, through oral or written statement or through an artifice or device of some type, and other party relies upon the misrepresentation and is damaged.

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5. Abuse of civil process involves an intentional use of the

INTENTIONAL TORTS 5. Abuse of civil process involves an intentional use of
civil legal process for a purpose which is wrongful and for which the process was not designed.
6. Malicious prosecution is similar to the tort of abuse of civil process, but involves the criminal process.
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