Court of Justice

Слайд 2

The courts consist of judges, whose independence is protected by the Constitution

The courts consist of judges, whose independence is protected by the Constitution
and the law. Judge may be terminated or suspended solely on the grounds established by law.

Слайд 3

Levels of the judiciary Judicial power in the Republic of Kazakhstan belongs

Levels of the judiciary Judicial power in the Republic of Kazakhstan belongs
only to the courts in the face of permanent judges and carried out on behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan and has their purpose: protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, enforcement of the constitution and laws of other normative legal acts, international treaties of the Republic

Supreme Court
District (city) courts
Regional courts

Слайд 4

Status of Judges

Judges of all courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan have

Status of Judges Judges of all courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan
the same status and differ only powers.
The judge can not be assigned to non-judicial functions and duties not provided for by law.
Имя файла: Court-of-Justice.pptx
Количество просмотров: 545
Количество скачиваний: 6