- 2. NATO’s 61-ty anniversary. NATO ‘ s crisis after the end of communism. NATO enlargement process. NATO
- 3. NATO’ evolution: whether alliance still matters ? Schroeder: NATO is no more the right place for
- 4. NATO and its casus foederis [ art. 5 of WT] . NATO as a “box for
- 5. NATO Response Forces, Reshuffle of NATO commands: instead of two strategic – Allied Command Operation [ACO
- 6. NATO is seeking its new role. NATO and the old and new threats for security. NATO
- 7. NATO’s role in Afganistan Officially NATO’s main role in Afganistan is to assist the Afghan Government
- 8. -supporting the Afghan National Police, -disarming illegally armed groups [DIAG], -providing post-operation assistance, -providing security to
- 9. Nowaday in Afganistan there are over 40000 NATO soldiers from 26 countries. Security situation however is
- 10. Eastern part of Afganistan, a long of Pakistani border [ and that part of Pakistan] are
- 11. More questions about NATO How important is NATO for United States: its national security, foreign and
- 12. NATO and threats for security What are the most important threats for euroatlantic security? Are they
- 13. The bigest threats and challenges The biggest threats for international security are connected with the situation
- 14. The second threat is terrorism but not this type of terrorism which We knew till now.
- 15. The third threat is proliferation WMD. This is not only the problem of Iran, North Korea,
- 16. The new threat, still unknown, may be the impact of current economic crisis on security. It
- 17. NATO-Russia partnership is uneasy task. The point is that it is not possible to buid up
- 18. Symptoms of current NATO crisis The lack of wider vision of Alliance, strategic concept including. Unclear
- 19. Discrepancy within Alliance relating „open doors” policy. The questions whether further enlargement has really sens? Ongoing
- 20. Jaap deHoop Scheffer & Rasmussen proposals NATO has to define clearly security threats. NATO has to
- 21. NATO has to continue the process of transformation of its forces into light, mobile troops. Still
- 22. NATO’s new strategic concept. NATO-alliance for new time and challeges, still regional not global, Old threats
- 23. Conclusions Does NATO still matter? The simple answer is possible but it is not enough and
- 24. The main reason is the lack – in NATO Nations public opinion – the existencial threats
- 25. We have also to take into consideration the new strategic culture arose in Europe, which We
- 26. keeping classic defense alliance functions, strengthen alliance capacity to face new threats, further NATO enlargement [
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