Слайд 2Contents
1. History of our village
2. Ecological situation today
3. Litter around us
4. Measures

of reducing environmental problems in our home place
Слайд 3History of our village
We live in Big Volkovo village. Local pond,

wood, plenty of springs, full harmony and happiness – there is everything in our lovely village. It is placed in a picturesque area. The main street Centralnaya lasts almost on 3 km long, there are two streets as well: Molodyozhnaya and Zarechnaya streets. Homes are basically wooden here. But there is a construction of modern brick houses too.
Слайд 5Ecological situation today
The village Big Volkovo is far from large industrial

centres, and influence of sources of air pollution of neighbour Uvinsky and Mozhginsky areas practically does not affect in any way in view of domination of the western winds. For village the contribution of stoked smoke gases from boiler-houses and exhausts from motor transports (technical equipment) are typical.
Слайд 6 Water consumption and water removal have direct influence renders on quantity

and quality of local water resources.
As water consumption, as a rule, we understand a fence of water from a source, its using for industrial, agricultural or household needs of the population, and then returning of water in water object, but already in other place, in smaller quantity and other quality.
Слайд 7 In our village the basic sources of water pollution are discharge

of household sewage, waste of cattle-breeding farm complexes and throwing of unnecessary dust.
Our local small river Sedmurcha dries up because trees near it are cut down.
Слайд 8Litter around us
As local people are not concerned about nature, they

throw away rubbish everywhere. There are only two places where one can put his or her litter in our village, but these cans are overfilled. It causes the problem of unsanctioned scrambles.
Слайд 9Measures of reducing environmental problems in our home place
To increase ecological culture

of people
To make our village a better place
To clean up local springs
To make people recycle plastic and glass. For this purpose it’s important to organize gathering and exporting collected litter in Vavozh town (it is a district center)
A place around farms and garage must be filled by a protective shaft, for prevention of sewage hits in the local river and pond