Слайд 2Edinburgh is the administrative and cultural capital of Scotland. The Golden Age

included such literature figures as Robert Burns and Walter Scott.
Слайд 3Old town is of great historic interest. The Castle-Fortress/1076/ dominates the city

from atop Castle Rock. Inside are the the Crown Room with the Honours of Scotland, older than the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London.
Слайд 4New Town is characterised by Georgian architecture. Princess Street marks the division

between the old and new.
Слайд 5A particularly enjoyable time to visit the city is during the Edinburgh

International Festival. The festival take place the last two weeks in August. The Military Tatoo, opera, ballet, movies are included into the program.
Слайд 6City Art center is the home of Edinburgh’s fine art collection. National

Gallery of Scotland contains paintings by Scottish and European masters from the 14th to 19th centuries.