Слайд 2Education for the future - alternatives and opportunities

Слайд 3The education system in the future “knowledge society” will be aimed at

developing the structures of the digital economy and the formation of a new middle class. Its representatives will receive education throughout their lives, “for the task” and in innovative formats. Universities will turn into intellectual leaders of the technological “revolution”, but in the future they may be supplanted by network providers of educational services.
Слайд 4In the next decade, the next degree of globalization and mass education

is expected, which will change the role of universities.
Слайд 5Technological development will lead to lower education costs and the removal of

language barriers.
By 2030, a “inverted” university can become a typical educational model, in which training is conducted through platforms of mass open online education, and only laboratories, educational projects and live discussions are implemented in the universities themselves.
Слайд 6Future education will also reduce the distance between the employer and the

employee, while the educational services market will increase its degree of flexibility and self-regulation.
Слайд 7To implement the education model of the future, a developed high-tech infrastructure

will be required
Слайд 8Online databases based on BigData technologies will be formed.
Over time, there will

be exchanges of educational opportunities for joint and individual training, platform-stores of educational content.
Mass certification tests to determine the general educational level will gradually lose relevance.
They will be replaced by Internet assessment and certification systems, allowing you to get an external validated assessment of the presence of certain competencies and skills.