Electrostatic Field


Слайд 2

Fundamental concepts

Electrostatics is a science which studies properties and reciprocal action of

Fundamental concepts Electrostatics is a science which studies properties and reciprocal action
electric charges in state of rest with respect to an intertial frame of reference.

Electric charge of a body consists of a series of elementary charges. The smallest particle which possesses the elementary negative charge is known as an electron. The smallest particle with positive elementary charge is proton.

There are two classes of electric charges: positive and negative. The charges of the same sign (like charges) repel each other, and the charges of opposite sigh (unlike charges) attract each other.

Слайд 3

Interaction of charges

Coulomb’s law: The force F of reciprocal electrostatic action between

Interaction of charges Coulomb’s law: The force F of reciprocal electrostatic action
two point electric charges q1 and q2 in vacuum, is proportional to the product of magnitudes of the charges and inversly proportional to the square of the distance r between them,

is dialectric constant of vacuum

= 9x10 C

Слайд 4

Interaction between the charges in a medium

is the relative permittivity of the

Interaction between the charges in a medium is the relative permittivity of
medium; it expressess how many times the force of interaction between the charges in the medium is less than in vacuum.

Слайд 5

Intensity of the electrostatic field

Intensity of the electrostatic field in a certain

Intensity of the electrostatic field Intensity of the electrostatic field in a
point is numerically equal to the force the field acts on a unit positive charge located in this point; its direction coincides with the direction of the force.

Electrostatic field is said to be uniform, if its intensity E in all the points of the field is the same. Otherwise the field is non- uniform.

The interaction of charges is realized through electrostatic field created by these charges in the surrounding space.

Слайд 6

Force lines

Force line is any line drawn in the region where the

Force lines Force line is any line drawn in the region where
field exists in such a way that the vector of field intensity is tangent to the line at any of its points.

Слайд 7

Intensity of the electrostatic field of a sole charge

Intensity of the electrostatic field of a sole charge

Слайд 8

Electric displacement

Electric displacement (or electric induction) D is a vector quantity which

Electric displacement Electric displacement (or electric induction) D is a vector quantity
characterizes the field and is independent of the medium.

Слайд 9

Circulation of E vector of electrostatic field

Total work along a closed path:


Circulation of E vector of electrostatic field Total work along a closed
to displace a unit charge along a closed path:

“Law of vector E circulation”: the circulation of intensity E vector of an electrostatic field over a closed path is zero.

Слайд 10

Potential of the field

Potential at a point of the field is the

Potential of the field Potential at a point of the field is
work to be done to displace without acceleration a unit positive charge from infinity to this point of the field.

Слайд 11

Potential difference

Potential difference

Слайд 12

Potential difference (cont.)

The work done by the force F over the short

Potential difference (cont.) The work done by the force F over the

Over the whole distance from A to B the work done by the force F on the unit charge is:

Слайд 13

Equipotential surface

Equipotential surface is a geometrical place of points of an electrostatic

Equipotential surface Equipotential surface is a geometrical place of points of an
field with the same potential.

At any point of the equipotential surface, the vector of the electrostatic field intensity is perpendicular to this surface and is directed as potential diminishes.

Слайд 14

Relation between intensity and potential

The operator applied to a funtion, indicates what

Relation between intensity and potential The operator applied to a funtion, indicates
one must do with the function. The Hamilton operator applied to the function, indicates, that it is needed to: 1) differenciate the function – find the partial derivatives with respect to x, y, z; 2) multiply these derivatives by respective unit vectors (i, j o k); and 3) add the recieved expressions.

E = V / d

Intensity at any point of the electrostatic field equals the gradient of potential of the field at this point taken with negative sign. The sign “minus” signifies that the vector E is directed in the direction the potential diminishes.

Слайд 15

Superposition principle

The intensity of the electrostatic field of a system of point

Superposition principle The intensity of the electrostatic field of a system of
charges is iqual to the vector sum of the intentisities of the fields created by each of these charges separately.

The potentials are added algebraically.

Слайд 16

Electric flux

E x area

Electric flux E x area

Слайд 17

Gauss’s theorem

The total electric flux passing through any closed surface whatever its

Gauss’s theorem The total electric flux passing through any closed surface whatever
shape, is always equal to the total charge enclosed by the surface, divided by

Слайд 18

Gauss’s theorem (cont.)

is the volumetrical density of the charge

Gauss’s theorem (cont.) is the volumetrical density of the charge

Слайд 19

Field Outside a Charged Plane Conductor

Field Outside a Charged Plane Conductor
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