Слайд 2Late for Work
You dress up in 5 seconds and rush off to

work. You catch a bus and after an hour, you reach your factory. Today you will be working for 9 hours, as usual. By the way, today you will get paid your monthly salary. It is $3 dollars. With this money you can buy 3 kilograms of rice for your family. It makes you happy and proud.
Enter the factory.
Слайд 3Time to get paid!
You decided to interfere. The police take poor man

to the jail. You understand that it does not bother you, that people are poor and they just want to make ends meet, but it is your duty. Now it is time to go to your boss and ask him for salary.
You enter his cabinet and say hello. He says that he will pay you $2. Is it okay?
No. Insist on paying $3.
Yes. It is better to avoid conflict.
Слайд 4Insist
- Why should I pay you so much? You did not work

very well this month.
Because I caught a criminal.
Pay me, right now, you greedy bastard!
Sorry, $2 is okay.
Слайд 5Offended boss
Your boss will not tolerate that. For such rude words you

will get imprisoned. Good luck in jail.
Go to jail.
Слайд 6Take $2 and go home
You take your money and go home by

bus. Near your house you see the police officers arrest your brother because he made a joke about the Glorious Leader.
Bribe them.
Sorry, bro, I cannot help you.
Go to jail instead of him.
Слайд 7Bribe with $2
You tried to bribe us with only $2? That is

not enough. You are arrested now and you both go to jail.
Go to jail.
Слайд 8Bribe with $5
Okay, give me your $5 and pray we will never

see each other again.
Sigh with relief!
Слайд 9Go to jail instead of your brother
When the policemen turned around you

pretended to be your brother and now you are going to jail instead of him. A noble act, of course, but it will not really help you.
Go to jail.
Слайд 11You and your brother plan to escape.

Слайд 12Your brother betrays you
Your brother screams “Hey, officers, he has a CD

collection of South Korean films under his bed, go check it!” Soon, you are arrested and go to jail together.
Go to jail.
Слайд 13Sick?
After an hour two police officers come to your door and ask

why you are still at home. They do not believe that you are sick. They arrest you and send to jail.
Go to jail.
Слайд 14Jail
You were a bad citizen and you will spend the rest of

your life in jail. Good luck!
Try another Korean…
Слайд 15You did not report a crime
After your working day two policemen approach

and arrest you because you helped the bolt-stealer to escape. Actually you did not, but you did not report him either. It is a crime! You will go to jail for that.
Go to jail.
Слайд 16Factory
You are working hard. You do not really like this job, but

it is better than being homeless, like people in South Korea. Suddenly you see your co-worker steal a small bolt. He is not your good friend so you decide to…
Do nothing.
Give him away.
Слайд 17Take $5 and go home.
You take your money and go home

by bus. Near your house you see the police officers arrest your brother because he made a joke about the Glorious Leader.
Bribe them.
Sorry, bro, I cannot help you.
Go to jail instead of him.