Слайд 2Christian ethics
Birth of Christianity - I century A.D.
- Jesus Christ

written in the works of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, etc.
- “among other religions only Christianity state perfectness of God together with human beings”
Blessing – the main moral principle of Christian morality
Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy
Слайд 3Medieval period
Theo centrism
Instead of dialectics – dualism;
God – infinite, independent and eternal

can we know the truth? Belief and religion
Struggle of good and evil
Слайд 4Medieval period
Absolute person is God
A future life;
Present life is transitional
Christians belong to

the future life;
Body and pleasures are he chains for soul
Not apathy, grief, pessimism – but peace
Слайд 5Medieval period
Divine sadness: death for pleasures and hope for Heavens;
* “poverty of

Слайд 6Christian ethics:
Makes emphasis on:
Moral problems and human values
Accuse lies, theft, infidelity and

other human sins.
Praying to God and following the words of God
“Pursuit of God is at the same time pursuit of yourself, your humanity.”
Слайд 7Saint Augustine: 354 – 430 A. C.

Слайд 8Saint Augustine
Born in North Africa 354 A.C.
Converted: he became a Christian when

he was 33
He was a bishop
Major writings: “The Confessions” and “The City of God”
Слайд 9Moral experience of the Middle Age
The major question of ethics:
The question of

criteria for Good and Evil, about appearance of difference and valuation of these terms
St. Augustine:
Treaty: “City of God”
Soul and Body
- soul controls body
Human being has to follow God’s word
Слайд 10Saint Augustine
A new authority: Revelation
The relationship between faith and reason
From “Credo

quia absurdum” - I believe because it is absurd (human logic cannot understand the Divine reason)
To “Credo ut intelligam” I believe because I want to understand
Слайд 12Moral experience of the Middle Age
Thomas Aquinas:
“the highest human blessing that can

ever exist is union with God.”
Human virtues are separated on the following categories: