- 2. Famous British Writers Helen Beatrix Potter was born on 6th July 1866. She was born in
- 3. Famous British Writers Beatrix was fond of animals and drawing. From a small child she did
- 4. Famous British Writers She had a lot of small pets at home:a dog,a family of snails,mice,a
- 5. Famous British Writers One day in 1893 she wrote to a little boy called Noel Moor.
- 6. Famous British Writers She told the story of Peter Rabbit and illustrated it with lovely little
- 7. Famous British Writers Potter wrote and illustrated a total of 28 books, including the 23 Tales,the
- 8. Famous British Writers For many years not children in England and other countries have enjoyed her
- 9. Famous British Writers And her perfect illustrations made her books even better. Although she died in
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