Слайд 3A little bit of history
A little bit of history

Слайд 4Halloween quiz
Halloween quiz

Слайд 6Never have I ever
Told ghost stories
Hosted a Halloween party
Went trick or treating
Never have I ever
Told ghost stories
Hosted a Halloween party
Went trick or treating

costume shopping
Watched a scary movie
Decorated for Halloween
Dressed up for Halloween
Bought a pumpkin
Made Halloween cookies
Watched a scary movie
Decorated for Halloween
Dressed up for Halloween
Bought a pumpkin
Made Halloween cookies
Carved a pumpkin
Visited a haunted house
Went ghost hunting
Handed out candies
Roasted pumpkin seeds
Read scary stories
“Booed” your neighbors
Pet a black cat
Ate all the candies
Слайд 7Language

Слайд 8Deck the halls
Deck the halls

Слайд 10Food/Drinks

Слайд 11Music

- Предыдущая
Зачетная работаСледующая -
Международный день хлеба