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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

England (London)
Wales (Cardiff)
Scotland (Edinburg)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England (London) Wales
Ireland (Belfast)

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Geographical position

Total area is 244 square kilometers
Consist of Great Britain and Ireland,

Geographical position Total area is 244 square kilometers Consist of Great Britain
small main islands: Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, the Hebrides, the Orkney Islands, the Shetland Islands.

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In the course of time, different groups of people kept arriving in

In the course of time, different groups of people kept arriving in
Britain, bringing their customs and skills. The Romans, who occupied Britain in the 1st century, brought the skills of reading and writing. The written word was important for spreading ideas and culture.

Around 10,000 BC Britain was peopled by small groups of hunters and fishers. They followed herds of deer, which provided them with food and clothing.

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They lived in case, hunted animals for food, learned to grow

Ancient BRITONS They lived in case, hunted animals for food, learned to
corn and breed domestic animals
Britons were religious.

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The Celts

They were tall, strong people with long red or sandy hair.

The Celts They were tall, strong people with long red or sandy
The Romans called them Britons and the island – Brittania.

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In the year 55 BC the
great Roman general Julius Caesar

The ROMANS In the year 55 BC the great Roman general Julius
sailed to Britain with about 12,000 soldiers in eighty ships. Britons armed with spears and swords. After fighting on the shore, the Romans

marched north-west where London stands today. The British attacked them in chariots and on foot, but the Romans had better arms and armour. The Britons were defeated.

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Hadrian’s wall

It was crushed but Hadrian decided to build a great wall

Hadrian’s wall It was crushed but Hadrian decided to build a great
running right across the country from Newcastle to Carlisle. It was 73 miles long, 7-10 feet thick, and 16-20 feet high.

In the year 122 the Roman Emperor Hadrian came to Britain. Some years before there had been a serious rebellion in the north Britain.

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Towards the end of the 4th century Europe was invaded by barbaric

Anglo-Saxons Towards the end of the 4th century Europe was invaded by
tribes. The Romans had to leave Britain because they were needed to defend their own country. So, Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons and Jutes came to Britain
The Britons fought
many battles, but at
last they were forced
to retreat to the west
of Britain.

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The Norman conquest

The conquest of England by the Normans began in 1066

The Norman conquest The conquest of England by the Normans began in
with the battle of Hastings, where the English fought against the Normans. They were Vikings or 'Norsemen', men from the North. Some 150 years before the conquest of England they came to a part of France, opposite England, a part which we now call Normandy.

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 The Normans brought with them the French language. After the Norman Conquest

The Normans brought with them the French language. After the Norman Conquest
there were three languages in England.
Latin, the language of the church and the language in which all learned men wrote and spoke; the kings wrote their laws in Latin for some time after the Conquest.
French, the language which the kings and nobles spoke and which many people wrote.
English which remained the language of the masses of the people. 

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The War of Roses

The War of the Roses was a terribly

The War of Roses The War of the Roses was a terribly
destructive, long-lasting, civil war in England between two families with rival claims to the throne, the Yorks and the Lancasters. Its net result was to kill off almost all the direct claimants to the throne on either side of the royal family.
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