Слайд 2Every year, at night from October 31 to November 1, Halloween is

celebrated in Western countries. He is especially loved by the people of America and Canada.
Слайд 3The holiday is more than a thousand years old. It appeared at

a time when the ancient Celtic tribes lived. On October 31, the Celtic tribes finished harvesting and celebrated this day in a special way.
Слайд 4It was believed that the new year would begin on November 1.

According to legend, the lord of the dead, Samhain, will capture the Sun god. A cold winter will come. To appease Samhain and the evil spirits who came with him, the Celts burned bonfires and brought gifts.
Слайд 5 They believed that on this night the doors opened between summer

and winter, life and death. In the morning, the coals from the fires were taken home. They had to guard people during the long winter.